J Emerg Med
Multicenter Study
Causes of Emergency Department Overcrowding and Blockage of Access to Critical Services in Beijing: A 2-Year Study.
Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a serious issue worldwide. ⋯ One principal reason for ED crowding in Beijing lies in the large numbers of patients who persist in the expectation of receiving ongoing care in the ED for minor illnesses. However, as is true in many nations, one of the other most important root causes of ED crowding is "access block," the inability to promptly move patients deemed by emergency physicians to need inpatient care to an inpatient bed for that care. However, in our system, another challenge, not widely described as a contributor to crowding in other nations, is that doctors assigned to inpatient services have been empowered to refuse to admit patients perceived to have overly "complex" needs. Further, patients with multisystem illnesses or end-stage status, who need ongoing chronic care to manage activities of daily living, have begun to populate Beijing EDs in increasing numbers. This is an issue with various root causes.
Stroke treatment is a continuum that begins with the rapid identification of symptoms and treatment with transition to successful rehabilitation. Therapies for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) may vary based on anatomic location, interval from symptom onset, and coexisting health conditions. Successful therapy requires a seamless systematic approach with coordination from prehospital environment through acute management at medical facilities to disposition and long-term care of the patient. The emergency physician must balance the benefits and risks of alteplase recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) for AIS management. ⋯ No new studies published between 2010 and 2016 meaningfully reduced uncertainty regarding our understanding of the benefits and harms of intravenous rtPA for AIS. Discussions regarding benefit and harm should occur for patients, and risk prediction scores may facilitate the conversation.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Low-Dose Propofol for Pediatric Migraine: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial.
Migraine headaches are a common reason for pediatric emergency department (ED) visits. Small studies suggest the potential efficacy of sub-anesthetic doses of propofol for migraine with a favorable side effect profile and potentially decreased length of stay (LOS). ⋯ LDP did not achieve better pain reduction than ST, however, LDP was associated with significantly fewer rebound headaches and a nonsignificant trend toward shorter median LOS from drug administration to disposition.