J Emerg Med
International medical graduates (IMGs) are medical graduates who have received their degree from international medical schools. IMGs must undertake a 3-step process to apply to the National Residency Matching Program match. ⋯ Third, they must obtain a visa that would enable them to commence their training. In this article, we delve thoroughly into these stepladders to provide IMGs with a clear roadmap of the process as well as contacts to key agencies that may provide more comprehensive assistance.
Case Reports
A Rare Cause of Septic Shock in the Emergency Department in an Intellectually-Disabled Child.
Sepsis in older children is often associated with the presence of developmental abnormalities and cerebral palsy. While relatively uncommon, surgical abdomen in these patients is associated with a high rate of mortality. Few reports have been described of sepsis caused by isolated cecal necrosis. ⋯ We report a 13-year-old child with cerebral palsy and global developmental delay who presented to the emergency department with acute worsening abdominal distention that the mother attributed to chronic constipation. Clinical evaluation revealed that she was in severe septic shock and needed immediate stabilization after which she underwent an exploratory laparotomy. Operative findings revealed cecal necrosis that necessitated an ileocecectomy. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Children with intellectual disabilities presenting with sepsis to the emergency department can be particularly challenging given the communication barriers and the time-sensitive nature of the condition. When evaluating these patients, a thorough history and examination are often the only tools that assist in the early identification of the infectious source, leading to improved clinical outcomes.© 2019 Elsevier Inc.
Marijuana is a commonly used substance in the United States for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Detrimental health-related effects of marijuana continue to be a source of controversy. ⋯ We describe a case of a woman who presented to the emergency department with acute right upper and lower extremity weakness and altered speech after accidental unknown ingestion of food containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is a unique case in that we could find no other published report of focal weakness or motor stroke symptoms occurring in the setting of THC ingestion. We will discuss in detail the patient's medical history and timeline of events leading to her presentation to the emergency department. Marijuana contains the psychoactive substance THC and is becoming more commonly used for medicinal and recreational purposes in the United States and abroad. The use of THC is associated with changes in levels of consciousness, perception, and several other physiologic processes. We hope to increase awareness through this case report of accidental THC use by a female patient that resulted in a stroke code and potentially could have led to the use of tissue plasminogen activator. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: To the best of our knowledge, focal neurologic deficits associated with THC use have not been reported in the published literature. We hope that this knowledge will encourage physicians to consider THC intoxication as a cause of new onset extremity weakness.
Previous research has focused on creation and validation of a basic life support rule for termination of resuscitation (TOR) in nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) to identify patients who will not be successfully resuscitated or will not have a favorable outcome. Although now widely implemented, translational research regarding in-field compliance with TOR criteria and barriers to use is scarce. ⋯ The study found high compliance after implementation of a TOR rule and identified potentially addressable barriers to TOR use. Appropriate application of a TOR rule led to reduction in high-priority ambulance transports, potentially reducing futile use of health care resources and risk of ambulance motor vehicle collisions.