J Emerg Med
Review Case Reports
Valproic Acid Overdose: Case Report and Literature Review.
Valproic acid (VPA) is a common antiepileptic drug that is also used routinely for various psychiatric disorders. VPA toxicity typically manifests as central nervous system depression, while hyperammonemic encephalopathy and hepatotoxicity are potentially life-threatening complications. ⋯ We describe the case of a 56-year-old man who presented to the emergency department after an intentional VPA overdose, was found to have hyperammonemia, and was treated with L-carnitine exclusively. He was subsequently admitted to the hospital for monitoring and serial laboratory testing. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Although VPA toxicity has conventionally been managed by gastric decontamination, L-carnitine, and, in severe and refractory cases, extracorporeal removal, recent literature supports the use of carbapenem antibiotics, particularly meropenem. Thus, we report the details of current treatment modalities for VPA toxicity by reviewing current literature.
Numerous studies have reported existing disparities in academic medicine. The purpose of this study was to assess racial and gender disparity in academic emergency medicine (EM) faculty positions across the United States from 2007 to 2018. ⋯ Despite an increase in proportional representation, the underrepresentation of female faculty members and those from minority groups persists in emergency medicine. Further studies are needed to identify and address the root causes of these differences.