J Emerg Med
Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is a nutrient that is vital for metabolic function. Absorption of ingested B12 is dependent on intrinsic factor, which is secreted by parietal cells within the stomach. Pernicious anemia is caused by an intrinsic factor deficiency or autoantibodies against intrinsic factor. The presence of parietal cell antibodies can destroy parietal cells, which can also lead to a deficiency in intrinsic factor. Both lead to megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. The typical presentation of pernicious anemia includes fatigue, pale appearance, tingling sensation, depression, alterations to vision and smell, urinary incontinence, psychotic episodes, and weakness. The most effective treatment for pernicious anemia is intramuscular B12. ⋯ A 27-year-old woman with a history of vitiligo presented to the emergency department (ED) with bilateral lower extremity weakness, clumsiness, numbness, and tingling. Physical examination revealed ataxia, no sensation below her umbilicus, decreased strength, and hyperreflexia in both lower extremities. Complete blood count in the ED revealed low hemoglobin and hematocrit and elevated mean corpuscular volume, concerning for pernicious anemia. Further laboratory testing upon inpatient admission revealed a low vitamin B12 level and parietal cell antibodies in the blood. The patient's pernicious anemia was treated with intramuscular vitamin B12 injections, which led to near complete resolution of her symptoms. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Early suspicion and detection of pernicious anemia in the ED can prevent serious and permanent hematologic and neurologic damage and the development of other autoimmune disorders.
Observational Study
Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine Treatment in a Population with a High Rate of Homelessness: An Observational Study.
Buprenorphine is an effective treatment for opioid use disorders. A previous randomized trial comparing emergency department (ED)-initiated buprenorphine to standard care showed dramatic improvement in follow-up. This is encouraging, but must be replicated to understand the generalizability of buprenorphine treatment. ⋯ In this descriptive study of an ED-initiated buprenorphine protocol, follow-up was less than that reported in a previous randomized controlled trial. Two important differences between our study and the randomized trial are the high rate of homelessness and the fact that not every patient received a prescription for buprenorphine. The efficacy of ED-initiated treatment may depend on certain population characteristics.
Since the development of the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved vaccine for the prevention of serious disease and death associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, health care workers have been expected to comply with mandatory immunization requirements or face potential termination of employment and censure by their state medical boards. Although most accepted this mandate, there have been several who have felt this was an unnecessary intrusion and violation of their right to choose their own health care mitigation strategies, or an infringement on their autonomy and other civil liberties. Others have argued that being a health care professional places your duties above your own self-interests, so-called fiduciary duties. As a result of these duties, there is an expected obligation to do the best action to achieve the "most good" for society. A so-called "utilitarian argument." ⋯ Although arguments for and against vaccine mandates are compelling, it is the opinion of the Ethics Committee of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine that vaccine mandates for health care workers are ethically just and appropriate, and the benefit to society far outweighs the minor inconvenience to an individual's personal liberties.
Case Reports
Profound Hyperthermia Associated With Fentanyl and Cocaine Use With Suspected Synephrine Adulteration.
Although hyperthermia is described after cocaine intoxication, the two hyperthermic cases discussed were unusual in severity and duration for cocaine alone. Synephrine was found in biological samples of these patients in high concentrations and was suspected to be an adulterant in illicitly obtained drugs. ⋯ Two patients presented to a tertiary care university hospital within 2 days of each other after recreational drug use with delayed and protracted hyperthermia. Synephrine was later found in high concentrations in biological samples as an unexpected drug adulterant. The first patient's presentation came with delayed recognition of hyperthermia and implementation of aggressive cooling measures; he entered multisystem organ failure with prolonged intensive care unit stay and significant morbidity. The second patient's hyperthermia was recognized promptly, and she received early, aggressive cooling, including deep sedation and ice water submersion. She left against medical advice from the hospital at her baseline 3 days after presentation. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Synephrine is a suspected adulterant that may be associated with profound hyperthermia. Early recognition of drug overdose and working knowledge of common adulterants can facilitate early targeted management, such as aggressive cooling measures, which may prevent morbidity and mortality.
Emergency medicine residents are often involved in the management of trauma airways. There are few data on the correlation between prior intubation experience and first-pass trauma intubation success for emergency medicine residents. ⋯ We did not demonstrate any significant correlation between first-pass intubation success and number of prior intubations performed by the emergency medicine resident.