J Trauma
We have previously shown a sequence of events after unilateral pulmonary contusion that suggests the release of blood-borne prostanoid mediators and that culminates in refractory bilateral pulmonary failure. ⋯ Contusion of the right thorax induced a delayed pulmonary capillary leak in the left lung, which reflects a progressive secondary inflammatory response. Elevations in thromboxane and prostacyclin preceded progressive bilateral PMN infiltration. Indomethacin blocked thromboxane and prostacyclin and attenuated, but did not prevent, the progression to pulmonary failure. Overall, these data suggest that prostanoids are released soon after unilateral contusion and initiate an inflammatory response in both lungs that is sustained by PMN infiltration.
Injury of the brachial artery is a rare (5-13%) but serious complication after closed elbow dislocation without associated fractures. ⋯ Primary repair of vascular injury after closed elbow dislocation with vein graft and immediate reconstruction of ligamentous injuries results in good long-term functional outcome.
Hemorrhagic shock is associated with lactic acidosis and increased plasma catecholamines. Skeletal muscle increases lactate production under aerobic conditions in response to epinephrine, and this effect is blocked by ouabain, a specific inhibitor of the cell membrane Na+/K+ pump. In this study, we tested whether adrenergic antagonists can block lactate production during shock. ⋯ Epinephrine release in response to hypotension is a primary stimulus for muscle lactate production in this model of hemorrhagic shock. Hypoxia alone does not explain the increased lactate levels because tissue perfusion was not altered by the adrenergic antagonists. These observations challenge the rationale behind lactate clearance as an end point for resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock.
The purpose of this study was to identify factors that would aid in the diagnosis of small-bowel and mesentery injuries (SBMI) in blunt trauma patients. ⋯ The diagnosis of SBMI is often made in the presence of associated intra-abdominal injuries. Isolated SBMI are common, however, and special attention to the mechanism of injury, abdominal examination, presence of hematuria, and significant base deficit should raise suspicion to the possibility of SBMI. Findings on abdominal computed tomography that may suggest SBMI and should prompt further evaluation include free fluid, thickened bowel, and extraluminal air. Because delay in diagnosis does not seem to affect morbidity or mortality, dedication to observation and serial physical examinations will aid in the proper identification of elusive SBMI. Mortality, however, does appear to be related to the presence of hypotension on admission and associated injuries.