J Trauma
We evaluated the types and mechanisms of hip dislocation sustained while snowboarding and skiing, a subject about which there have been few studies. ⋯ Hip dislocations are much more common in snowboarders than in skiers. Furthermore, the causes and types of hip dislocation differ between snowboarding and skiing.
We have shown in a previous work that HBOC-201 is able to reverse anaerobic metabolism at low volumes in a porcine model of controlled hemorrhage. On the basis of these results, we hypothesize that low-volume resuscitation with HBOC-201 in a porcine model of controlled hemorrhage provides adequate tissue oxygenation to limit end-organ damage and allow for survival of the animal. ⋯ Low-volume resuscitation with HBOC-201 provides adequate tissue oxygenation for survival in a porcine model of controlled hemorrhagic shock with no long-term organ dysfunction identified. Although some animals did show mild hepatocellular damage with elevations of aspartate aminotransferase at day 2, these findings did not appear to have clinical relevance, and the enzyme elevations were trending toward normal by the third postoperative day. Decreases in hemoglobin levels at the later time points were expected, given the half-life of the product.
A variety of policy groups have recommended that screening and brief interventions (BIs) for alcohol disorders be widely implemented in health care settings. This study was conducted to determine the current status of screening and intervention programs in trauma centers and to evaluate specific barriers to implementation of screening and BIs. The hypotheses tested were that surgeons who support screening and brief interventions would be less likely to endorse the purported barriers to screening and intervention and would have a better understanding of the concept of brief interventions. ⋯ Trauma surgeons are screening for alcohol disorders more frequently than they were 5 years ago. Barriers to screening are not as prevalent as previously reported. Support for implementing screening and intervention programs depends on whether surgeons believe trauma centers are appropriate sites for addressing alcohol disorders, whether surgeons believe patients with alcohol problems should be referred for professional treatment, whether surgeons understand the concept of brief interventions, and whether they believe the cost constraints are not prohibitive. Widespread education in the effectiveness and methods of BIs would facilitate implementation of alcohol screening and intervention programs to help reduce recurrent alcohol-related injury.
Blunt vascular trauma in an extremity is an uncommon diagnosis. Considering the complexity of these injuries, it is worthwhile to determine how select factors affect the outcome of the limb and the patient. The objectives of this study were to review the diagnosis, management, and outcomes of patients who sustained blunt vascular injuries in the extremities and relate factors in their treatment to the outcome of the injured extremity. ⋯ Blunt vascular injuries in the lower extremities occur most commonly in the anteroposterior tibial arteries; injured arteries in the proximal upper and lower extremity require resection with interposition grafting, whereas those in the forearm or calf are usually ligated; the amputation rate in 65 injured extremities with blunt vascular trauma was 18.%, which is at least three times that for those who sustain penetrating injury; and delays in diagnosis and treatment are uncommon in these patients with multiple injuries.
Absorbable prostheses are currently used in a variety of bone reconstructions and fixations. ⋯ Absorbable plates produce good clinical results and are an option for rib fracture repair. Two-point fixation (screw fixation plus suture cerclage) is required. Further refinements in technique should focus on minimally invasive methods.