J Trauma
The sequelae of blunt injury to the carotid arteries are unusual, but pseudoaneurysms causing subsequent strokes are devastating. The utility of treatment of these pseudoaneurysms was examined. ⋯ Use of metallic endoprostheses is an effective method to treat this potentially devastating injury. However, longer follow-up and more patients studied are needed to further examine this promising treatment.
Induced hypothermia is used clinically to prevent ischemic injury during elective procedures. We present an animal model of asanguinous hypothermic (10 degrees C) circulatory arrest, induced through a left anterior lateral thoracotomy after exsanguinating uncontrolled hemorrhage. ⋯ Induction of hypothermic arrest through the chest after exsanguination is possible. The further development of this technique may provide an extended state of "suspended animation" to allow for repairs of hemorrhaging injuries in trauma patients who require emergency department thoracotomy.
Blunt small bowel injury (SBI) may be difficult to diagnose accurately. Diagnostic delays are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. ⋯ There is significant variation in the diagnostic approach to the patient with suspected SBI. The perceived mortality of delayed diagnosis is much less than reported. Those surgeons with more experience or perception of greater morbidity and mortality from a delayed diagnosis are more aggressive. Further investigation into the diagnosis and treatment of this injury is needed.
Patients are surviving previously fatal injuries. Unique morbidities are occurring in these survivors. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy represents a previously unrecognized cause of blindness in the trauma victim. We hypothesize that this phenomenon is caused by unique characteristics of optic edema/ pressure or decreased blood flow associated with massive resuscitation. ⋯ Prone positioning is known to be associated with an increased intraocular pressure. We postulate that the combination of massive resuscitation and prone positioning will increase the incidence of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. As such, we recommend that prone positioning for adult respiratory distress syndrome be reserved for only those patients at risk of death.