American journal of veterinary research
The accuracy of a pulse oximeter was evaluated over a wide range of arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions, using 2 probes (finger probe and ear probe) and 2 monitoring sites (tongue and tail) in anesthetized dogs. The arterial oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SaO2) measured directly with a multiwavelength spectrophotometer was compared with saturation estimated by pulse oximetry (SpO2). Linear regression analysis of the pooled data from 399 simultaneous measurements of SpO2 and SaO2 indicated a highly significant correlation of SpO2 with SaO2 (r = 0.97; P less than or equal to 0.0001). ⋯ When SaO2 values were greater than or equal to 70%, the ear probe applied to the tail was less accurate (produced a significantly greater SpO2-SaO2 difference) than the ear probe on the tongue, or the finger probe at either site. When SaO2 values were less than or equal to 50%, the finger probe applied at the tail was more accurate (produced significantly smaller SpO2-SaO2 differences) than the ear probe at either site. When SaO2 values were less than or equal to 70%, high arterial carbon dioxide tension (greater than or equal to 60 mm of Hg) was associated with greater overestimation of SaO2.
The effects of administration of a commercially available extract of Gingko biloba (EGB) on bromethalin-induced brain lipid peroxidation and cerebral edema in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats was determined. Gingko biloba extract was given (100 mg/kg) by gavage immediately after bromethalin (1.0 mg/kg) administration. Rats were euthanatized at 24 hours after dosing. ⋯ All rats given bromethalin and saline solution developed clinical signs of toxicosis including CNS depression, hind limb weakness, ataxia, paralysis, and coma. Some rats given bromethalin and EGB developed clinical signs, however, none developed hind limb paralysis. The brain MDA-TBA concentration (2.4 +/- 0.5 delta MDA-TBA concentration/mg of protein), percentage of water in brain tissue (80.3 +/- 0.30%), and brain sodium concentration (6.68 +/- 0.21 mg/g of dry weight) were significantly increased in rats given bromethalin and saline solution, compared with control rats given saline solution (1.0 +/- 0.1 delta MDA-TBA concentration/mg of protein; 78.1 +/- 0.33% water in brain tissue; 4.83 +/- 0.30 mg of brain Na+/g of dry weight) and rats given bromethalin and EGB (1.6 +/- 0.2 delta MDA-TBA concentration/mg of protein; 79.3 +/- 0.31% water in brain tissue; 5.37 +/- 0.34 mg of brain Na+/g of dry weight).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Epiglottic augmentation was evaluated in 7 horses, using 7 ml of polytetrafluoroethylene (polytef) paste injected submucosally on the ventral surface of the epiglottis. In 6 horses, an Arnold-Bruning intracordal injection syringe, specifically designed to inject polytef into paralyzed vocal folds in human beings, was used. At necropsy 60 days after surgery, group mean thickness measurement 20 mm from the epiglottic tip was 40% greater (P less than 0.01) and, at the epiglottic attachment of the aryepiglottic fold, was 29% greater (P less than 0.01) in the 6 polytef-augmented horses than in clinically normal nonsurgically treated controls. ⋯ Histologic examination revealed necrotizing suppurative inflammation that extended into the epiglottic cartilage. Surgery was not technically difficult to perform through a laryngotomy, and all horses tolerated the procedure without apparent discomfort. Endoscopy performed after surgery revealed unremarkable and uniform response to the polytef paste in 4 horses, and in 3 horses, revealed excess swelling and inflammation of the ventral epiglottic tissue that resolved over time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Conventional fluid resuscitation is unsatisfactory in a small percentage of equine emergency surgical cases because the large volumes of fluids required cannot be given rapidly enough to adequately stabilize the horse. In anesthetized horses, the volume expansion and cardiopulmonary effects of a small volume of highly concentrated hypertonic saline-dextran solution were evaluated as an alternative initial fluid choice. Seven halothane-anesthetized, laterally recumbent, spontaneously ventilating, normovolemic horses were treated with a 25% NaCl-24% dextran 70 solution (HSD) at a dosage of 1.0 ml/kg of body weight, IV, infused over 10 minutes, and the effects were measured for 120 minutes after infusion. ⋯ Cardiac index and stroke index immediately increased and remained high for the entire study (from 69.6 +/- 15.3 ml/min/kg to 106.6 +/- 28.4 ml/min/kg, and from 1.88 +/- 0.49 ml/beat/kg to 2.50 +/- 0.72 ml/beat/kg, respectively). Systemic vascular resistance significantly decreased immediately after HSD infusion and remained decreased for the duration of the study (from 1.41 +/- 0.45 mm of Hg/ml/min/kg to 0.88 +/- 0.22 mm of Hg/ml/min/kg). Arterial and venous blood oxygen content decreased significantly because of hemodilution, but actual oxygen transport transiently increased at the 10-minute measurement before returning toward baseline.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The hemodynamic effects of hypertonic saline solution (HSS) resuscitation on endotoxic shock were examined in pentobarbital-anesthetized calves (8 to 20 days old). Escherichia coli (055:B5) endotoxin was infused IV at dosage of 0.1 microgram/kg of body weight for 30 minutes. Endotoxin induced large decreases in cardiac index, stroke volume, maximal rate of change of left ventricular pressure (+dP/dtmax), femoral and mesenteric arterial blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, urine production, and mean aortic pressure. ⋯ Administration of ISS induced significant increase in cardiac index, stroke volume, femoral arterial blood flow, and urine production. These effects were sustained for 120 minutes, at which time, calves were euthanatized. Compared with HSS, ISS induced sustained increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure and only a small increase in mesenteric arterial blood flow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)