Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2015
Observational StudyPreoperative use of statins does not improve outcomes and development of acute renal failure after cardiac surgery. A propensity score analysis of ARIAM-Andalucía database.
Statin use prior to cardiac surgery has been reported to improve outcomes in the postoperative period because of other effects apart from decreasing lipid levels. Objective of the study was to analyse mortality and acute renal failure (ARF) during the cardiac surgery postoperative period in patients treated with or without statins. ⋯ Despite better outcomes for the statin users in the whole cohort, the matched analysis showed that statin use before cardiac surgery was not associated with a lower risk of ARF. Nor was presurgery statin use associated with lower hospital mortality.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2015
Observational StudyPreoperative autonomic nervous system analysis may stratify the risk of hypotension after spinal anaesthesia.
Studies on pregnant women undergoing cesarean delivery or elderly men scheduled for prostate brachytherapy have demonstrated the predictive value of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis for hypotension during spinal anesthesia. We conducted a prospective observational study to investigate if preoperative HRV analysis may have a role in identifying the risk of hypotension following spinal anesthesia in otherwise healthy patients. ⋯ Preoperative analysis of autonomic nervous system modulation might be useful to stratify the risk of post-spinal hypotension and it might indicate the need for careful monitoring or prophylactic fluids.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2015
Review Meta AnalysisThe evidence of peripheral nerve blocks for cancer-related pain: a systematic review.
The European Association for Palliative Care has initiated a comprehensive program to achieve an over-all review of the evidence of multiple cancer pain management strategies in order to extend the current guideline for treatment of cancer pain. The present systematic review analyzed the existing evidence of analgesic efficacy for peripheral nerve blocks in adult patients with cancer. A search strategy was elaborated with words related to cancer, pain, peripheral nerve and block. ⋯ In general, most cases reported good pain relief and no side effects. The use of peripheral blocks is based upon anecdotal evidence. However, this review only demonstrates the lack of studies, which does not equal a lack of effectiveness.
Brain injury is frequently observed after sepsis and may be primarily related to the direct effects of the septic insult on the brain (e.g., brain edema, ischemia, seizures) or to secondary/indirect injuries (e.g., hypotension, hypoxemia, hypocapnia, hyperglycemia). Management of brain injury in septic patients is first focused to exclude structural intracranial complications (e.g., ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke) and possible confounders (e.g., electrolyte alterations or metabolic disorders, such as dysglycemia). Sepsis-associated brain dysfunction is frequently a heterogeneous syndrome. ⋯ Together with EEG and evoked potentials (EP), MRI is also important for coma prognostication. Emerging clinical evidence suggests monitoring of the brain in septic patients can be implemented in the ICU. The objective of this review was to summarize recent clinical data about the role of brain monitoring - including TCD, NIRS, EEG, EP, CT, and MRI - in patients with sepsis and to illustrate its potential utility for the diagnosis, management and prognostication.