Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Jan 2014
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudySupplemental single shot femoral nerve block for total hip arthroplasty - Impact on early postoperative care, pain management and lung function.
Peripheral regional anesthesia is beneficial in the management of postoperative pain in hip surgery, and can also reduce post-operative care unit (PACU) stay. Its opioid-sparing actions may also be beneficial for respiratory mechanics and pulmonary function. The aim of our pilot study was to evaluate the effect of a supplemental single shot femoral block for elective total hip arthroplasty on early respiratory function and postoperative management within the first 24 postoperative hours. ⋯ Supplemental single shot femoral nerve block for total hip arthroplasty resulted in earlier PACU discharge capability, improved lung function during the first six hours and better pain control within the first 24 postoperative hours.
Anesthesiologists are increasingly turning to videolaryngoscopes (VLs) for normal and difficult endotracheal intubations. As children grow the airway is in constant transition. This means that a device that works well in an older child may fail in an infant. Are VLs ideal in all children? What are the pitfalls and strengths of these devices? When are they indicated? How should their efficacy be assessed? Can they play a role in teaching standard laryngoscopy? This article explores these questions and reviews the literature relating to VLs use in children.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jan 2014
Letter Case ReportsThoracic Aortic Mural Thrombus as a cause of multi-organ failure.