Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2006
Review Multicenter StudyCaudal anesthesia in pediatrics: an update.
Caudal anesthesia is one of the most used-popular regional blocks in children. This technique is a useful adjunct during general anesthesia and for providing postoperative analgesia after infraumbilical operations. The quality and level of the caudal blockade is dependent on the dose, volume, and concentration of the injected drug. Although it is a versatile block, one of the major limitations of the single-injection technique is the relatively short duration of postoperative analgesia. The most frequently used method to further prolong postoperative analgesia following caudal block is to add different adjunct drugs to the local anesthetics solution. Only few studies evaluated quality and duration of caudal block against the volume of the local anaesthetic applied. After reviewing recent scientific literature, the authors compare the duration of postoperative analgesia in children scheduled for hypospadia repair when 2two different volumes and concentrations of a fixed dose of ropivacaine are used. ⋯ In children undergoing hypospadia repair, caudal block with a ''high volume, low concentration'' regimen produces prolonged analgesia and less motor block, compared to a ''low volume, high concentration'' regimen.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2006
ReviewThe effect of alcohol abuse on ARDS and multiple organ dysfunction.
A history of alcohol abuse is very common and many times unrecognized in critically ill patients. The consequences of alcohol abuse are multifactorial, and it is associated with excessive morbidity and increased mortality. Alcohol causes acute and chronic dysfunction in multiple organ systems, and the underlying mechanisms responsible for organ injury are complex. ⋯ This increased susceptibility to developing acute lung injury has been evaluated by many investigators, and the common variable appears to be oxidative stress. In this article, we review the epidemiology of alcohol abuse and its association with ARDS. In addition, we provide an overview of the mechanisms thought to contribute to ARDS and multiple organ dysfunction.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2006
ReviewAcquired weakness in the ICU: critical illness myopathy and polyneuropathy.
Illnesses commonly encountered in the ICU, such as sepsis, have frequently been associated with neuromuscular weakness and may play a role in the development of CIM and CIP, whose incidence in the critically ill is greater than initially reported. Although difficult to diagnose from history and clinical/laboratory findings alone, the use of electromyographic and nerve conduction testing is helpful in establishing these diagnoses. ⋯ Acquired neuromuscular weakness in the ICU affects a significant number of patients and may continue to affect their quality of life long after discharge. Although diagnostic techniques are readily available, additional research is necessary to obtain adequate prognostic information and therapeutic options for these patients.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2006
ReviewCritical bleeding in pregnancy: a novel therapeutic approach to bleeding.
In the developed countries the frequency of life threatening post-partum hemorrhages (PPH) is 1 in 1,000 deliveries with a risk of death of 1-2/100,000 deliveries. Hysterectomies for intractable bleeding are carried out in approximately 50% of the cases. The majority of PPH have obstetrical causes, most frequently atony of the uterus. Hereditary and acquired hemostatic defects are very rare. Guidelines of standard surgical and medical measures are available. In this paper we focus on the use of activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa) in PPH. ⋯ The bleeding can occur in a series of events conductive to metabolic complications, hypoxia, disseminate intravascular coagulation, organ damage and multiorgan failure, progressively exhaustive. The therapeutic intervention must be instituted as early as possible before successive complications ensue. These preliminary reports in PPH after failure of conventional standard therapy suggest that rFVIIa is an active agent but should be administered as early as possible before the consequences of severe and intractable bleeding.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2006
ReviewUsing the nerve stimulator for peripheral or plexus nerve blocks.
Conventional methodology for nerve location utilizes anatomical landmarks followed by invasive exploration with a needle to a suitable endpoint. An appropriate endpoint can be either anatomical in nature (e.g. transaterial technique) or functional (paresthesia or motor response to electrical stimulation). Ability to electrically stimulate a peripheral nerve or plexus depends upon many variables, including; 1) conductive area at the electrode, 2) electrical impedance, 3) electrode-to-nerve distance, 4) current flow (amperage), and 5) pulse duration. ⋯ The above parameters can be varied optimally to enhance successful nerve location and subsequent blockade. Unlike imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, electrical nerve stimulation depends upon nerve conduction. Similarly, percutaneous electrode guidance (PEG) makes use of the above variables to allow prelocation of the nerve by transcutaneous stimulation.