Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Jan 2004
Practice Guideline GuidelinePain control in day surgery: SIAARTI guidelines.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2003
Monitoring of intrathoracic volemia and cardiac output in critically ill children.
Hemodynamic monitoring is an important step in the management of critically ill children despite the difficulty in measuring preload indices continuously. The aim of the study was to analyze cardiac output parameters and preload indices after acute changes in mean airway pressure and volemia. ⋯ ITBVI measured by a volumetric monitoring system such as the PiCCO may be considered a sensitive preload indicator also in critically ill children.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialIntraoperative effects of combined versus general anesthesia during major liver surgery.
The study compares the intraoperative effects of combined versus general anesthesia during major liver surgery. ⋯ The study confirms the safety of locoregional anesthesia in liver surgery, with good hemodynamic stability and absence of major side effects. The lower intraoperative use of opioids and muscle relaxants in patients who received epidural anesthesia confirms the neurovegetative protection this method provides. The data support the hypothesis that greater intraoperative use of opioids may be responsible for the higher incidence of side effects. Therefore, the intraoperative use of combined low-concentration anesthetic agents alone appears to offer a reasonable treatment option that provides adequate pain control at recovery from general anesthesia, with only minor side effects typically associated with analgesic (motor blockade) and opioids (nausea and vomiting). Given the complications associated with the technique, it should be performed by an expert anesthetist.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialCombined general and epidural anesthesia with ropivacaine for renal transplantation.
To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of epidural ropivacaine anesthesia in association with light general anesthesia during renal transplantation and compare epidural and endovenous analgesia techniques for postoperative pain control. ⋯ Combined epidural-general anesthesia is as valid a technique as any for renal transplantation; however postoperative epidural ropivacaine analgesia resulted more effective than intravenous tramadol. Respiratory function appeared less affected, facilitating a fast and uncomplicated postoperative recovery.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2003
To verify four 5-year-old mathematical models to predict the outcome of ICU patients.
The aim of this study is to verify calibration and discrimination after 5 years in the case mix of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) during the year 2000. In this way we want to perform a quality control of our ICU in order to justify the increased amount of money spent for intensive care. ⋯ Developing mathematical models to predict mortality within ICUs can be useful to assess quality of care, even if these models should not be the only ICU quality controls, but must be accompanied by other indicators, looking at quality of life of the patients after ICU discharge.