Scand J Surg
The aim of this paper was to review the literature on the clinical importance of monitoring intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) after ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) repair. ⋯ IAH/ACS is an important complication after operation on patients with rAAA. Monitoring IAP may be associated with improved outcomes.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 30 million people ride horses each year in the United States. Horseback riding related injuries are common, with an estimated 50,000 emergency room visits annually. The popularity of recreational horseback riding has increased in South Florida and the incidence of associated traumatic injuries is a reflection of this. ⋯ Horseback riding related injuries tends to be serious. Alcohol and recreational drugs may contribute to exacerbate the extent of these injuries. The use of proper protective equipment, instructions for safe riding, and discouraging drug and alcohol use during riding activities should be emphasized.
Emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) may serve as a life-saving tool when performed for the right indications, in selected patients, and in the hands of a trained surgeon. Critically injured patients 'in extremis' arrive at an increasing rate in the trauma bay, as an effect of improved pre-hospital trauma systems and rapid transport. Any patient in near, or full cardiovascular shock prompts the trauma surgeon to rapidly perform a thoracotomy. ⋯ The literature is rich in series describing the use of EDT, however, the best evidence is derived from a few prospective trials. EDT saves about one in every five patients with isolated penetrating cardiac injury, while > 98% die after blunt injury. Based on an updated review of the current available literature, this paper presents the current evidence regarding the rationale, risk, and outcomes for employing EDT in the field of trauma surgery.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
A comparison of the haemodynamic effects of 4% succinylated gelatin, 6% hydroxyethyl starch (200/0.5) and 4% human albumin after cardiac surgery.
The goal for volume replacement therapy is to maintain stable haemodynamics after cardiac surgery. We hypothesized that a short term infusion of hydroxyethyl starch results in better haemodynamic response than an infusion of lower molecular weight gelatin. ⋯ Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was more increased in GEL and HES groups [mean (SD) 153% (54) and 168% (57) of pre-infusion value] than in HA group [122% (23)] (P = 0.031) after completion of infusion, but no differences in cardiac index (CI) and stroke volume index (SVI) were observed. At 2 and 18 hours after end of study infusions SVI was more increased in HES [143% (38) and 148% (41) of pre-infusion values] and HA [143% (35) and 163% (42) of pre-infusion values] groups than in GEL [116% (23) and 125% (30)] group (P = 0.047 at 2 hours and P = 0.033 at 18 hours). In early postoperative phase after cardiac surgery, HES and HA infusions improve haemodynamics more and longer period than GEL infusion.