World Neurosurg
Arteriovenous malformation surgery is particularly demanding owing to the need to control bleeding of small, deep white matter vessels during and after removal of the nidus; this is probably one of the most critical moments of arteriovenous malformation surgery. The aim of this article is to describe a useful technique based on the use of tweezers to temporarily stop the blood flow followed by coagulation with the thulium laser. ⋯ Results were good with no postoperative complications. Our results could encourage a more standardized use of the described technique.
To retrospectively evaluate the midterm therapeutic effect of enlarged encephalo-duro-myo-synangiosis (EDMS) for moyamoya disease (MMD) in young children. ⋯ Enlarged EDMS is safe and effective for MMD in young children. Extensive and multilayered revascularization could significantly preserve neurologic function. The long-term effect on posterior circulation disease development needs further investigation.
Intracranial lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma (LPRM) is rarely reported because of its extremely low incidence, and current understanding of this disease is poor. We analyzed the incidence and clinical, radiologic, pathologic, and prognostic features of intracranial LPRMs. ⋯ Intracranial LPRM is a rare subtype of meningioma with no gender difference and low recurrence. Long-term survival is expected, although tumors located in the skull base and bone destruction are independent risk factors of poor long-term outcomes. Microsurgical treatment of skull base LPRM remains a formidable challenge because of poorly defined borders and critical neurovascular structure encasement. Radical tumor resection, which induces severe neurologic deficits, is unnecessary.
Primary intracranial neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) are extremely rare malignant tumors with no previous reports of multiple ones in the literatures. ⋯ Multiple primary intracranial NECs are extremely rare. The tumor might be of arachnoidal or leptomeningeal origin, with histologic patterns that might lead to transformation and/or progression. Maximal surgical resection is warranted for symptomatic mass effect. Postoperative adjuvant treatments including radiotherapy and chemotherapy should be a recommended therapeutic modality.
Spinal cord tanycytic ependymomas (TEs) rarely are reported because of extremely low incidence. Understanding of this disease is therefore poor. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and clinical, radiologic, pathologic, and prognostic features of spinal cord TEs. ⋯ Spinal cord TE is a rare subtype of ependymomas with low recurrence. Long-term survival can be expected, although poorly defined tumor border is an independent predictor of long-term outcomes. Microsurgical treatment of spinal cord TEs remains a formidable challenge due to the poorly defined border and critical neurovascular structures encasement. It is unnecessary for radical tumor resection at the cost of severe neurologic deficits.