World Neurosurg
Review Biography Historical Article
Dr. Norman Chater and Chater's point: A Historical Vignette.
Dr. Norman Chater, a University of California San Francisco-trained microvascular neurosurgeon, dedicated his career to the development of surgical bypass techniques. ⋯ He identified Chater's point, an extracranial landmark that marks the posterior extent of the Sylvian fissure, which on craniectomy reliably exposes vessels of the angular gyrus, the vasculature found to be most appropriate for bypass procedures owing to its accessibility and vascular diameter. This surgical landmark continues to be essential for the successful execution of bypass surgeries to this day.
Review Case Reports
Ventral lumbar synovial cyst causing cauda equina compression: case report and literature review.
Juxtafacet spinal cysts are cystic synovial lesions that often are indistinguishable clinically or radiologically and require histopathology analysis to confirm the diagnosis. Lumbar synovial cysts usually arising from the synovium of the facet joints. They have been described posterolaterally or rarely in the posterior midline. However, we describe the first synovial cyst ventral to the dural sac. ⋯ Hitherto synovial cysts have not been reported anterior to the dural sac. We describe a lumbar ventral cystic mass with cauda equina compression that mimicked a disc prolapse due to synovial metaplasia. The patient had urgent decompression with subsequent resolution of the symptoms.
Review Case Reports
Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach for the removal of optochiasmatic cavernoma: a case report and literature review.
Cavernoma of the optic chiasm is a rare disease, and the most common clinical presentation is chiasmal apoplexy. Almost all the cases reported in the literature were treated surgically with craniotomy. ⋯ Rapid diagnosis and complete resection of a symptomatic optochiasmatic cavernoma are helpful in improving visual dysfunction. EETA is an alternative, minimally invasive technique for resecting this type of lesion.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Prospective evaluation of the non-invasive Headsense ICP monitor in TBI patients undergoing invasive ICP monitoring.
Currently, intracranial pressure (ICP) is measured by invasive methods with a significant risk of infectious and hemorrhagic complications. Because of these high risks, there is a need for a noninvasive ICP (nICP) monitor with an accuracy similar to that of an invasive ICP (iICP) monitor. ⋯ The HeadSense HS-1000 nICP monitor seems sufficiently accurate to measure the ICP in severe TBI patients, is patient friendly, and has minimal risk of complications.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Comparison of grading scales regarding perioperative complications and clinical outcomes of brain arteriovenous malformations after endovascular therapy-a multicenter study.
Several scales have been proposed for risk assessment and outcome determination in brain arteriovenous malformations treated by endovascular therapy. We aim to validate and compare the efficacy of these scales in predicting perioperative complications and clinical outcomes. ⋯ The Puerto Rico score predicts complications and unfavorable outcomes better than the SM. The AVMES scale has medium efficacy in predicting complete obliteration.