World Neurosurg
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Comparing Quality of Life in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy with Other Chronic Debilitating Diseases Using the SF-36 Survey.
Although cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) can be devastating, its relative impact on general health remains unclear. Patient responses to the Short Form Survey 36-Health Survey (SF-36) Physical Component Summary (PCS)/Mental Component Summary (MCS) were compared between CSM and other diseases to evaluate their respective impacts on quality of life. The objective of this study was to compare SF-36 PCS/MCS scores in CSM with population and disease-specific norms. ⋯ CSM affects quality of life to an extent greater than diabetes or cancer. Although mean impact of CSM does not vary with age, younger patients suffer from greater differences in baseline function. This study highlights the impact of myelopathy on patient function, particularly among younger age groups, and suggests that CSM merits a similar caliber of healthy policy attention as more well-studied diseases.
Review Case Reports
Iatrogenic vertebral artery injury during anterior cervical spine surgery: A systematic review.
Iatrogenic vertebral artery injury (VAI) during anterior cervical surgery is rare but potentially catastrophic. ⋯ Extensive lateral decompression, loss of landmarks, and anatomic variations or pathologic status of VA increased VAI risk. Evaluation of collateral vessels before definitive treatment helped determine appropriate management and avoid neurologic sequelae. Tamponade was not recommended as definitive treatment. Meticulous preoperative evaluation, cautious intraoperative manipulation, and real-time radiographic guidance reduced VAI risk.
The absence of evidence-based guidelines for platelet transfusion surrounding invasive neurosurgical procedures leads to uncertainty in management. Multiple studies have illuminated this lack of high quality data, and subsequent reliance on expert opinion. The generally accepted threshold for platelet transfusion has hovered around 100,000/μL. ⋯ The available evidence is sparse and of low quality, but suggests that a platelet count <100,000/μL is associated with increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. In addition, the acuity of thrombocytopenia, magnitude of decrease in platelet count, and responsiveness to platelet transfusions impact the risk of neurosurgical intervention, and should be taken into account when evaluating a patient's surgical candidacy. Higher quality, prospective studies on the subject are unlikely, given a general lack of clinical equipoise on the subject, and the ethical concerns such a study would present.
Review Case Reports
Pitfalls in diagnosis and management of testicular choriocarcinoma metastatic to the brain: Report of two cases and review of literature.
Pure choriocarcinoma of the testes is a rare, aggressive germ cell tumor that can metastasize to the brain. Although its prognosis has improved with the development of cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens, cerebral metastases are prone to hemorrhage and associated with high morbidity. Here, we present 2 cases of testicular choriocarcinoma with cerebral metastasis and discuss potential pitfalls in their diagnosis and management. We also review cases in the literature that feature these rare lesions. ⋯ The potentially catastrophic nature of choriocarcinoma-related cerebral hemorrhages underscores the need for prompt, accurate diagnosis and aggressive surgical management of these lesions. Their highly vascular nature and lack of findings on cerebral angiography may cause them to be confused with occult vascular malformations.
Review Case Reports
Management of arteriovenous malformations associated with developmental venous anomalies: A literature review and report of two cases.
Classification of cerebrovascular malformations has revealed intermediary lesions that warrant further review owing to their unusual presentation and management. We present 2 cases of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) associated with a developmental venous anomaly (DVA), and discuss the efficacy of previously published management strategies. ⋯ Patients with coexisting AVMs and DVAs tend to have a hemorrhagic presentation. Contrary to traditional AVM management, in these cases it is important to preserve the draining vein via the DVA to ensure a safe, sustained circulatory outflow of the associated brain parenchyma while achieving safe AVM obliteration.