World Neurosurg
Typical recurrence of glioblastoma occurs locally, usually within 2 cm from the original lesion. With improvement of surgical techniques, more aggressive surgical strategies have become feasible, resulting in a significantly increased rate of complete resection. We investigated whether these improvements are also reflected by tumor recurrence pattern. ⋯ Despite complete resection of contrast-enhancing tumor, most recurrences occurred locally. Patients with distant tumor recurrence demonstrated increased progression-free survival. Therefore, to gain local control, we may need to shift toward a more aggressive supramarginal resection, using extensive intraoperative monitoring to avoid permanent deficits.
The use of the retrosigmoid approach has recently been expanded by several modifications, including the suprameatal, transmeatal, suprajugular, and inframeatal extensions. Intradural temporal bone drilling without damaging vital structures inside or beside the bone, such as the internal carotid artery and jugular bulb, is a key step for these extensions. This study aimed to examine the microsurgical and endoscopic anatomy of the extensions of the retrosigmoid approach and to evaluate the clinical feasibility of an electromagnetic navigation system during intradural temporal bone drilling. ⋯ The combination of endoscopic and microsurgical techniques aids in achieving optimal exposure for retrosigmoid intradural temporal bone drilling. The electromagnetic navigation system had clear advantages with acceptable accuracy including the usability of small devices without line of sight limitation.
When considering various risk factors such as age, comorbidities, and complications related to the surgical procedure itself, open surgery in degenerative spinal stenosis is likely to cause more complications. Here, we report the surgical procedure and preliminary clinical results of percutaneous endoscopic stenosis lumbar decompression (PESLD) technique using a uniportal-contralateral approach for bilateral decompression of degenerative spinal stenosis. ⋯ The preliminary result of this uniportal-contralateral PESLD technique is encouraging (96% demonstrated a good-to-excellent outcome), and the procedure is safe. However, we need long-term follow-up and a more detailed study for more accurate results of this technique.
Stentriever thrombectomy failure in patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by anterior circulation large artery occlusion is not a rare event. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether other procedures (tirofiban, permanent stenting) are able to recanalize the occluded vessel and determine a better outcome without increasing mortality and intracranial hemorrhage rates. ⋯ Permanent stenting might be a feasible solution in patients with acute large artery occlusion after stentriever thrombectomy failure.
To evaluate feasibility of computed tomography (CT) coronal multiplane reconstruction image (CMRI) to determine subaxial cervical pedicle screw (PS) entry point and guide lateral vertebral notch (LVN)-referred technique for subaxial cervical PS insertion. ⋯ CMRI is reliable for determining subaxial cervical PS entry point. LVN is a consistent landmark for the notch-referred technique, which is a practical and easy to master technique for subaxial cervical spine PS insertion.