World Neurosurg
The hybrid operating room (OR) offers new opportunities for the management of complex cerebrovascular lesions to the dual-trained neurovascular surgeon. It creates a space for easy accessibility to perform complex endovascular procedures by delivering high-quality images with readily available surgical equipment. ⋯ Intraoperative cerebral angiography after open surgical clipping of intracranial aneurysms gives real-time actionable data that can affect intraoperative decision making. This can be accomplished without a hybrid OR by using fluoroscopic equipment, but suboptimal imaging conditions may lead to unfavorable outcomes.
Acute subdural hematomas are frequently seen in brain trauma-injured patients. However, spontaneous subdural hematomas are uncommon, especially those localized in the posterior fossa, where fewer than 10 case reports have been described in the medical literature. ⋯ The patient had a great outcome, with no neurologic deficits at hospital discharge and the 1-year follow-up.
This study investigated the outcome of transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) for Cushing disease (CD) and the influence of our surgical strategy on remission rates and postoperative pituitary function. ⋯ MN-TSS is a safe and effective procedure to treat CD, allowing remission rates of 83%. One-year remission period after first surgery is correlated with a final remission rate of 95%. Although day 1 morning cortisol value is the most significant predictor for long-term remission, some patients with CD for many years may keep high postoperative cortisol levels and be in later remission, likely because of secondary adrenal hyperplasia. Our focused approach with microscope navigation resulted in low rates of postoperative pituitary hypofunction and kept a recurrence rate comparable to that in the literature.
The definitive treatment of perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas (PMAVFs) is warranted in view of the progressive neurologic decline noted with the conservative mode of management. The treatment options include microsurgical excision, endovascular embolization, or a multimodal approach. Because of the relatively larger size of the feeding arteries in type B and C PMAVFs, an endovascular approach is usually feasible. However, the endovascular treatment for type A lesions is technically challenging in view of near normal sized arterial feeders. Endovascular embolization using n-butyl cyanoacrylate is described; however, successful use of liquid embolic agents such as onyx or squid is not previously documented. ⋯ Endovascular embolization of type A PMAVF using EVOH-based liquid embolic agent is feasible and could be considered as an effective alternative to surgery.
To determine whether the facet joint violation (FJV) impacts clinical outcomes after percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP) in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. ⋯ Approximately 15.9% of patients were diagnosed with FJV by postoperative computed tomography scans. FJV had a negative influence on clinical outcomes after PKP in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures, primarily at short-term follow-up. In addition, FJV was also a risk factor in the long-term surgical satisfaction.