World Neurosurg
Spine surgery is entering a new era of evolution, with minimally invasive spine surgery to decompress the neural structures without affecting the stability of the spine. However, complications may occur. The surgeon must have these in mind in order to prevent them. We report on the main intraoperative and postoperative complications of endospine surgery of lumbar disc herniation. ⋯ Twenty-two years of follow-up on endospine treatment for lumbar disc herniation showed a low complication rate. An early and efficient management will nevertheless allow a good outcome in the majority of patients operated.
To determine whether the facet joint violation (FJV) impacts clinical outcomes after percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP) in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. ⋯ Approximately 15.9% of patients were diagnosed with FJV by postoperative computed tomography scans. FJV had a negative influence on clinical outcomes after PKP in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures, primarily at short-term follow-up. In addition, FJV was also a risk factor in the long-term surgical satisfaction.
Case Reports
Transforaminal endoscopic excision of intradural lumbar disc herniation and dural repair: A case report.
Intradural disk herniation is a rare entity with <0.3%-1% of all disk herniations and at an L2-L3 level even rarer. The dural defects repairs on ventral aspect are technically challenging and may not be possible after durotomy, so many authors have placed fascia, muscle, or plugging by the hemostatic material. The surgical treatment of intradural disk herniation is usually posterior open surgery with formal durotomy to remove the disk fragments with good to fair results. Poorer outcome occurs in late-presenting cases. ⋯ To our knowledge, this is the first case of transforaminal endoscopic treatment of intradural disk herniation at an L2-L3 level in which good clinical outcomes were obtained and maintained until recent follow-up of 8 months.
There are few reported instances of intraspinal migration of a bullet fragment. The majority of these migrations occur caudally, typically below the level of T10. Even fewer cases demonstrate cephalad migration from the sacral spine to the lumbar spine. We report here for the first time a case of a cephalad migration intradurally from the thoracic spine to cervical spine. ⋯ In this report, we review the previously reported cases in which intraspinal migration of bullets have occurred, and discuss the unique finding in this study of cephalad migration of a bullet within the dura. In addition, we detail considerations in the management of such injuries.
Dilatation of the superficial temporal artery (STA) and middle meningeal artery (MMA) were occasionally observed after bypass surgery for moyamoya angiopathy. The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between angiographic outcomes and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), specifically focusing on the postoperative dilatation ratio of the STA (rSTA) and MMA (rMMA). ⋯ MRA may be an alternative to angiography. Both rSTA and rMMA estimated the development of collaterals after bypass surgery for moyamoya angiopathy.