World Neurosurg
Chordoma that occurs primarily in the sella turcica is rare and presents unique treatment challenges. ⋯ Intrasellar chordoma presents frequently with visual disturbances and hyperprolactinemia and has a slightly higher incidence in females. Young age predicts a better prognosis. Intrasellar chordoma has a lower overall survival than has skull base chordoma.
Ventriculoatrial (VA) shunt is a routine technique for the treatment of hydrocephalus. The correct position at the superior vena cava-right atrium junction is generally assessed by radiography. We present the first experience of an alternative, nonradiographic technique to assess the distal end of the VA shunts through an electrocardiographic (EKG) method. The technique has developed from the large experience of central venous catheters (CVC) worldwide; the EKG-guided method is a common and validated alternative to standard radiologic control of the location of the tip of any CVC. ⋯ The EKG-guided technique for VA shunts is as accurate as fluoroscopy, but simpler, more readily available, less expensive, safer, and more cost effective. It reduces the need of radiography and radiologic exposition for both patients and operators. The EKG method may be a valid and cost-effective alternative to standard radiologic control in VA shunts, as for any central venous access device, and could become the preferential method for confirming tip position during VA shunt surgery.
Metabolic exhaustion in ischemic tissue is the basis for a detrimental cascade of cell damage. In the acute stage of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), a sequence of global and focal ischemia occurs, threatening brain tissue to undergo ischemic damage. This study was conducted to investigate whether early therapy with moderate hypothermia can offer neuroprotection after experimental SAH. ⋯ The results of this series cannot finally answer whether this form of treatment permanently attenuates or only delays ischemic damage. In the latter case, slowing down metabolic exhaustion by hypothermia may still be a valuable treatment during this state of ischemic brain damage and prolong the therapeutic window for possible causal treatments of the acute perfusion deficit. Therefore, it may be useful as a first-tier therapy in suspected SAH.