World Neurosurg
Training of intra-axial brain tumor resection using a self-made simple device with agar and gelatin.
Self-made devices composed of agar and gelatin gel were used for resident training in intra-axial brain tumor resection. The mixture gel of agar and gelatin is retractable and can be suctioned. Hardness of the gel depends on the concentration of the solution. Therefore, by changing the concentration, it is easy to make gels of various hardness. ⋯ Our devices with "tumors" of various hardness appear to be suitable for resident training in each surgical skill. For the next step of this study, we will attempt to fabricate more practical 3-dimensional gel models for presurgical simulation.
Gait abnormalities have been seen in patients with Parkinson disease or Parkinson-like (P-L) disorders and cervical spinal stenosis. Acute presentation of P-L symptoms has been reported in 24 cases caused by chronic subdural hematomas with 11 cases due to bilateral chronic subdural hematomas. When a patient also presents with cervical spinal stenosis, the correct therapeutic decision between P-L disorders and myelopathy is challenging. ⋯ This paper reports for the first time a patient who presented with acute P-L symptoms and cervical myelopathy with findings of both bilateral chronic subdural hematomas and cervical spinal stenosis. The decision to drain the subdural hematoma in our case resulted in full recovery of the patient's gait and other extrapyramidal symptoms. This paper reviews the literature on reversible P-L symptoms caused by bilateral chronic subdural hematomas.
Internal carotid artery (ICA) reconstruction is still the most effective treatment for a blood blister-like aneurysm (BBA) on the supraclinoid segment of the ICA, and clipping after wrapping has the most precise effects. However, the materials used are most often artificial. This study examined the use of autologous dura to replace the artificial materials used for wrapping after suturing a BBA. ⋯ The method we adopted is new and showed satisfactory curative results, suggesting that ICA suturing with dura mater wrapping may become a method for the treatment of a BBA on the supraclinoid segment. The dura could potentially replace the artificial materials used for wrapping the ICA.
Endoscopic visualization does not necessarily correspond to an adequate working space. The need for balancing invasiveness and adequacy of sellar tumor exposure has recently led to the description of multiple endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approaches. Comparative anatomic data on these variants are lacking. ⋯ The present study validates, from an anatomic point of view, a modular classification of endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approaches to the sellar region.
Stereoelectroencephalograpy (SEEG) is a diagnostic method involving 3-dimensional exploration of brain structures using depth electrodes for locating epileptogenic foci in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. A variety of frame-based, frameless, and robotic stereotactic systems have been designed for the accurate placement of depth electrodes. ⋯ The patient-customized platforms are comparable in terms of safety, accuracy, and simplicity of use to the existing robotic devices for implantation of depth electrodes in patients undergoing SEEG investigations.