World Neurosurg
Case Reports
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor with an Enlarging Heterogeneously Enhancing Organizing Hematoma.
This report portrays an unusual presentation of a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor characterized by a chronic, enlarging, heterogeneously enhancing organizing hematoma. Differential diagnoses included the malignant transformation of a low-grade glioma, radiation necrosis, and radiation-induced cavernoma. A dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor may have atypical characteristics and behavior, so continued follow-up with serial imaging is recommended.
Glioblastomas are the most common malignant brain tumor and despite extensive research have a dismal prognosis. This review focuses on the current treatment paradigms of glioblastoma and highlights current advances in surgical approaches, imaging techniques, molecular diagnostics, and translational efforts. Several promising clinical trials in immunotherapy and personalized medicine are discussed and the importance of quality of life in the patients and their caregivers both during active treatment and survivorship is also commented on.
The Eustachian tube and sphenoid spine have been previously described as landmarks for endonasal surgical identification of the most distal segment of the parapharyngeal internal carotid artery (PhICA). However, the intervening space between the sphenoid spine and PhICA allows for error during exposure of the artery. In the present study, we have characterized endoscopic endonasal transmasticator exposure of the PhICA using the sphenoid spine, vaginal process of the tympanic bone, and the "tympanic crest" as useful anatomical landmarks. ⋯ The sphenoid spine and pericarotid space has variable anatomy. Using an endoscopic transmasticator approach to the infratemporal fossa, we found that the closest landmarks leading to the PhICA were the tympanic crest, sphenoid spine, and vaginal process of the tympanic bone.
Cerebral aneurysm growth is significantly associated with aneurysm rupture, but risk factors for aneurysm growth are not well characterized. It is believed that altered intracranial hemodynamics may contribute to the pathophysiology of aneurysm growth, but these mechanisms are not fully understood. ⋯ The subset of unruptured cerebral aneurysms that demonstrate growth over time has a significantly higher mean PV-LWSS than stable aneurysms, as measured by quantitative magnetic resonance angiography. This information at the time of diagnosis may help predict future aneurysm growth, stratify rupture risk, and identify those aneurysms that should undergo prophylactic treatment.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has been increasingly applied for malignant meningiomas as an alternative to conventionally fractioned radiation therapy. We performed a retrospective analysis of an institutional patient cohort with malignant meningiomas treated by image-guided SRS. ⋯ Although the real boundaries of efficacy of SRS have to be further evaluated in a prospective trial, it seems that aggressive treatment by high-dose single or multisession SRS of recurring malignant meningiomas provides satisfactory local control rates.