World Neurosurg
To observe anatomic relationships between lumbar bicortical pedicle screws (BPSs) at 2 sagittal section angles (SSAs) and lumbar artery (LA). ⋯ Lumbar BPSs present a risk of injury to the LA. The vertical angle is the recommended SSA for BPSs in L1 and L2, and the cephalic angle is the recommended SSA in L3 and L4.
Neurosurgical interventions frequently occur in an emergency setting. In this setting, patients often have impaired consciousness and are unable to directly express their values and wishes regarding their treatment. The limited time available for clinical decision making has great ethical implications, as the informed consent procedure may become compromised. ⋯ Potential solutions to these challenges are presented that may help to improve ethical patient management in emergency settings. Emergency neurosurgery challenges the respect of autonomy of the patient. The outcome in most scenarios will rely on the neurosurgeon acting in a professional way to manage each unique situation in an ethically sound manner.
The cause of postoperative heterotopic ossification (HO) after cervical disc replacement (CDR) is unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence of HO, its clinical significance, and whether the degree of preoperative degeneration was associated with its occurrence. ⋯ The presence of HO after CDR was a relatively frequent finding at the final follow-up visit but did not influence patients' improvements. Segments with higher grades of preoperative degeneration had a greater incidence of HO; thus, HO is likely a reflection of the degeneration process.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a rare condition for which no optimal treatment guidelines have been determined. The most common presentation is orthostatic headaches, but patients can present with a variety of symptoms. ⋯ This case demonstrates that an intrathecal saline infusion can be used as an effective temporizing measure in patients with critical symptoms of SIH and it also alerts clinicians that low-pressure subdural collections can progress to subdural collections under high pressure.
Pediatric intracranial aneurysms (IAs) are rare and differ from their adult counterparts in terms of their aneurysmal characteristics, presentation, treatment, and outcomes. Their treatment is often more difficult and complex compared with that of adults. However, studies outlining the clinical effect of pediatric IAs remain sparse. ⋯ The treatment of pediatric IAs is challenging and technically demanding owing to their discrete nature compared with adult IAs and the need for greater surgical skills. We found a male predominance, with internal carotid artery bifurcation as the most frequent location of the aneurysms. Despite the greater incidence of ruptured and complex aneurysm cases, many patients had experienced a good recovery at the 6-month follow-up examinations.