World Neurosurg
Flow aneurysms (FAs) associated with brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are thought to arise from increased hemodynamic stress due to high-flow shunting. This study aims to describe the changes in conservatively managed FAs after successful AVM treatment. ⋯ While conservatively managed FAs demonstrated a reduction in size after the culprit AVM was treated, this was only significant in FAs located close to an AVM nidus (class IIb). There were no hemorrhages during the median 35 months' follow-up; however, long-term data are lacking. Our data support close observation of all conservatively managed aneurysms and a tailored approach based on the proximity to the nidus and observed changes in size.
Microelectrode recording (MER)-guided deep brain stimulation (DBS) remains the standard electrophysiological procedure to place the DBS lead at the optimal target. When single-track MER or test stimulation yields suboptimal results, trajectory adjustments are needed. Intraoperative computed tomography (iCT) can be useful to visualize the microelectrode and verify possible adjustments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of iCT in MER during frameless stereotactic DBS for Parkinson disease (PD). ⋯ iCT can reduce the number of MER tracks and increase surgical accuracy. Further studies are warranted to investigate whether iCT can reduce surgical complications and improve surgical outcomes.
Given the growing prevalence of initial endovascular treatment for type 1 spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (dAVF), there are an increasing number of patients presenting with progressive symptoms related to recurrent previously embolized spinal dAVF. This study's goal was to identify demographic, clinical, and radiographic variables among patients who have failed embolization of type I spinal dAVF. ⋯ The increased use of endovascular treatment of spinal dAVF has led to the treatment of refractory cases with a greater degree of surgical complexity. Open surgical ligation continues to provide the most definitive treatment outcomes for this complex spinal vascular entity.
Vertebral bone quality had a significant impact on postoperative outcomes in spinal fusion surgery. New magnetic resonance imaging-based measures, such as the Vertebral Bone Quality (VBQ) score, may allow for bone quality assessment without the radiation associated with conventional testing. In the present study, we sought to assess the intrarater and interrater reliability of VBQ scores calculated by medical professionals and trainees. ⋯ The VBQ score appears to have both good intrarater and interrater reliability. In addition, there appeared to be no correlation between score reliability and level of training. External validation and further investigations of its ability to accurately model bone biomechanical properties are necessary.
Case Reports
Pre-operative Ultrasound guided Percutaneous embolization of Orbital Lymphaticovenous Malformations using Onyx.
The treatment of orbital lymphaticovenous malformations (OLVMs) has evolved from simple surgical resection to a multimodal approach consisting of sclerosing agents, embolization, and resection depending on the specific components that compose the lesion. Here we present a representative case series of 5 nonconsecutive patients who underwent percutaneous embolization of OLVMs with the Onyx Liquid Embolic System (Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland) before surgical resection between 2019 and 2021. ⋯ Treatment can be conservative or invasive; depending on the clinical presentation and characteristics of the lesions, treatment modalities can vary. Preoperative percutaneous embolization of OLVMs with the Onyx system is a promising technique, as demonstrated in this case series.