World Neurosurg
Ex vivo animal brain simulation models are being increasingly used for neurosurgical training because these models can replicate human brain conditions. The goal of the present report is to provide the neurosurgical community interested in using ex vivo animal brain simulation models with guidelines for comprehensively and rigorously conducting, documenting, and assessing this type of research. ⋯ The present findings should help contribute to more rigorous application, documentation, and assessment of ex vivo brain simulation research.
Multicenter Study
Technical Success and Early Efficacy in 851 Patients with Saccular Intracranial Aneurysms: A subset analysis of SMART, a prospective multicenter registry.
The Prospective, Multicenter Registry Assessing the Embolization of Neurovascular Lesions Using the Penumbra SMART COIL® System (SMART) is the largest prospective, multicenter, postmarket registry established to gather real-world experience on Penumbra (Alameda, USA) SMART COIL System, PC400, and POD embolization coils. The goal of this study is to report the technical success and efficacy of SMART COIL System coils in treating saccular intracranial aneurysms. ⋯ SMART COIL System coils achieved good technical success and adequate occlusion in treating saccular intracranial aneurysms in a real-world setting.
Animal Models of Metastatic Lesions to the Spine: a Focus on Epidural Spinal Cord Compression.
Epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) secondary to spine metastases is one of the most devastating sequelae of primary cancer as it may lead to muscle weakness, paresthesia, pain, and paralysis. Spine metastases occur through a multistep process that can result in eventual ESCC; however, the lack of a preclinical model to effectively recapitulate each step of this metastatic cascade and the symptom burden of ESCC has limited our understanding of this disease process. In this review, we discuss animal models that best recapitulate ESCC. ⋯ Orthotopic models offer the most authentic recapitulation of metastasis development; however, they rarely result in symptomatic ESCC and are challenging to replicate. Conversely, models that involve injection of tumor cells directly into the bloodstream or bone better mimic the symptoms of ESCC; however, they provide limited insight into the epithelial to mesenchymal transition and natural hematogenous spread of tumor cells. Therefore, until an ideal model is created, it is critical to select an animal model that is specifically designed to answer the scientific question of interest.
Sphenopetroclival (SPC) meningiomas are considered among the most complex skull-base neoplasms to approach surgically. We aim to determine whether some SPC meningiomas can be safely and effectively treated using a modified minimally invasive pterional posterolateral transcavernous-transtentorial approach (MIPLATTA). ⋯ MIPLATTA is a useful and safe treatment alternative that allows resection of large SPC tumors with dominant invasion of cavernous sinus and middle fossa, preserves hearing and facial motor function, and provides good chances of recovery of visual and oculomotor deficits.
Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens, ventral striatum, or internal capsule region has shown a 45%-60% response rate in adults with severe treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder, regardless of which target is used. We sought to improve the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation by placing the electrode along a trajectory including these 3 targets, enabling a change of stimulation site depending on the patient's response. ⋯ Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens, internal capsule, and ventral striatum significantly benefited our cohort of patients with medication-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. Electrode insertion through the 3 main targets might confer additional therapeutic efficacy.