World Neurosurg
Intramedullary spinal cord lipomas without spinal dysraphism are rare. Although they are benign tumors, they can cause significant neurological deficits. Their tight adherence to the spinal cord presents a challenge for resection. Therefore, we review our institutional experience treating adult patients with intramedullary lipomas in the absence of dysraphism and report long-term outcomes after resection. ⋯ Subtotal resection is a safe and effective treatment. Detethering of the spinal cord, resection of exophytic components, and tumor debulking can improve symptoms and prevent further deterioration in most cases. The resection can be assisted using a laser to vaporize the fatty tissue of the lipoma without physical manipulation of the spinal cord.
Promoting minorities within medical specialties has been postulated to be crucial to patient care and recruitment of diverse candidates. This concept has been suspected but not formally studied in the minority of women faculty and trainees in neurosurgery. We aimed to quantitatively investigate the postulated correlation relative to female representation in neurosurgery. ⋯ This study of current female representation in neurosurgery revealed a previously undocumented positive correlation between percentages of female faculty and female trainees. These data suggest a modifiable barrier to female entry into neurosurgical residency programs.
Case Reports
Long-term Progression of a Residual Cerebral Amyloidoma: An Illustrative Case and Systematic Review.
Cerebral amyloidomas (CA) are exceptionally rare tumor-like lesions composed of cerebral amyloid-beta, which is derived from the cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein. ⋯ This systematic review provides insights into the epidemiological, clinical, and neurosurgical characteristics, as well as the long-term prognosis of CA. This marks the first case in the reviewed literature with a 19-year period of follow-up where the patient had reoperation due to disease progression.
Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy is a necessary preprocedural consideration for patients prescribed direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), vitamin K antagonists, or antiplatelet medications. There is a lack of evidence-based guidelines to help inform decision-making in managing antiplatelet and anticoagulation medications in the perioperative period around brain tumor resection. The objective of this study was to provide an example of the heterogeneity in practice and raise awareness for the need to create standardized guidelines for managing these medications. ⋯ Respondents demonstrated significant heterogeneity in their perioperative management of antiplatelet and anticoagulation medication in brain tumor resection. This may lead to an unacceptable level of heterogeneity in practice that has the potential to cause patient harm due to errors in medication management.
Pineal tumors are rare, and the pineal region is a challenging surgical location for neurosurgeons. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of microsurgical management in patients with pineal region tumors and explore probable factors associated with preoperative hydrocephalus, postoperative hydrocephalus remission, and prolonged hospital length of stay (LoS). ⋯ Microsurgical resection of pineal tumors yielded favorable long-term outcomes. Patients with a lower KPS score, younger age, and larger maximum tumor diameters were more vulnerable to preoperative hydrocephalus and prolonged LoS. Patients with a lower KPS score or larger tumor diameter were likely to achieve significant remission of hydrocephalus after tumor resection.