Case Reports
Zika virus infection complicated by Guillain-Barre syndrome--case report, French Polynesia, December 2013.
Zika fever, considered as an emerging disease of arboviral origin, because of its expanding geographic area, is known as a benign infection usually presenting as an influenza-like illness with cutaneous rash. So far, Zika virus infection has never led to hospitalisation. We describe the first case of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) occurring immediately after a Zika virus infection, during the current Zika and type 1 and 3 dengue fever co-epidemics in French Polynesia.
Case Reports
Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, British Columbia, Canada, October 2013.
We describe a case of vaccine-associated measles in a two-year-old patient from British Columbia, Canada, in October 2013, who received her first dose of measles-containing vaccine 37 days prior to onset of prodromal symptoms. Identification of this delayed vaccine-associated case occurred in the context of an outbreak investigation of a measles cluster.
Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at increased risk of contracting infections at work and further transmitting them to colleagues and patients. Immune HCWs would be protected themselves and act as a barrier against the spread of infections and maintain healthcare delivery during outbreaks, but vaccine uptake rates in HCWs have often been low. In order to achieve adequate immunisation rates in HCWs, mandatory vaccination policies are occasionally implemented by healthcare authorities, but such policies have raised considerable controversy. ⋯ We conclude that there is a moral imperative for HCWs to be immune and for healthcare institutions to ensure HCW vaccination, in particular for those working in settings with high-risk groups of patients. If voluntary uptake of vaccination by HCWs is not optimal, patients’ welfare, public health and also the HCW’s own health interests should outweigh concerns about individual autonomy: fair mandatory vaccination policies for HCWs might be acceptable. Differences in diseases, patient and HCW groups at risk and available vaccines should be taken into consideration when adopting the optimal policy.
Saudi Arabia (SA) experienced two large invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) outbreaks during the 2000 and 2001 Hajj pilgrimages. In 2002, polysaccharide quadrivalent ACWY vaccines became mandatory for Mecca and Medina pilgrims/residents older than two years. This study aimed to analyse IMD surveillance data among citizens, residents and pilgrims in SA from 1995 to 2011, focusing on changes before and after the new vaccination policy. ⋯ The CFR in Saudi citizens (10.4) was lower than among foreign pilgrims (28.9) and decreased from 19.3% (SD: 1.8) in the pre-epidemic to 11.4% (SD: 7.0; p=0.04) in the post-epidemic phase. The decrease of annual IMD rates, CFR and Hajj-related cases between the pre- and post- vaccine era suggests a possible positive effect of the mandatory ACWY vaccination for pilgrims/residents in Mecca and Medina. Regular surveillance with an annual data analysis is necessary to monitor trends and circulating serotypes and to implement appropriate public health measures to avoid new IMD epidemics during upcoming Hajj seasons.