Thromb Haemostasis
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Risk stratification and heparin prophylaxis to prevent venous thromboembolism in pregnant women.
Women with a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), thrombophilia or both may be at increased risk of thrombosis during pregnancy, but the optimal management strategy is not well defined in clinical guidelines because of limited trial data. A strategy of risk assessment and heparin prophylaxis was evaluated in pregnant women at increased risk of VTE. In a prospective trial (Efficacy of Thromboprophylaxis as an Intervention during. ⋯ There was no evidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, one case of osteoporosis, and rates of miscarriage and stillbirth were similar to previous, retrospective studies. Risk-stratified heparin prophylaxis was associated with a low incidence of symptomaticVTE and few clinically important adverse events. Antepartum heparin prophylaxis is, therefore, warranted in pregnant women with idiopathic thrombosis or symptomatic thrombophilia.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Use of the pentasaccharide fondaparinux as an anticoagulant during haemodialysis.
No data about the use of the pentasaccharide fondaparinux, a highly selective indirect inhibitor of factor Xa, in patients treated with haemodialysis are available. Therefore, we investigated the pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of fondaparinux in 12 patients during haemodialysis. The anti-Xa activity (expressed as fondaparinux equivalent) was monitored, a semiquantitative clotting scale (SQCS) ranging from 0 (no visible traces of coagula) to 3 (complete clotting of the dialysis circuit) was applied, and the digital compression time necessary to achieve haemostasis at the puncture site was determined. ⋯ Mean digital compression time rose slightly during fondaparinux from 23.7 +/- 7.4 minutes to 24.8 +/- 7.5 minutes (P < 0.05) and, more important, six of the 12 patients reported minor bleeding problems during the interdialytic interval. Thus, fondaparinux can be used to prevent circuit clotting during haemodialysis; however, accumulation results in an interdialytic increase of anti-Xa activity. Therefore, fondaparinux should be reserved for patients requiring systemic anticoagulation on the days off dialysis.
Although loss of endothelial barrier function is a hallmark of every acute inflammation and contributes to fatal loss of organ function during severe infections, there is no sufficient therapy for stabilization of endothelial barrier function. Endogenous peptide adrenomedullin (AM) serum levels were shown to be increased during severe infection including sepsis and septic shock. In different in-vitro and in-vivo models AM acted as a potent therapeutic endothelial barrier function-stabilizing agent. ⋯ AM inhibits actin-myosin based endothelial cell contraction and junctional disassembly, thereby preventing paracellular permeability and oedema formation. The peptide furthermore possesses several protective cardiovascular qualities, including protection of the microcirculation during inflammation, and was proven as an efficient counter-regulatory molecule in various models of sepsis and septic shock. Overall, AM may be an attractive molecule to combat against cardiovascular malfunction during severe infection.
Letter Clinical Trial
Anticoagulation quality and the risk of recurrence of venous thromboembolism.