The development and evaluation of new drugs often rely on surrogacy. An intermediate outcome becomes a surrogate outcome if it fulfils certain criteria, it should be easier to measure compared with the clinical outcome, a statistical relationship should exist between the clinical outcome and the surrogate outcome, a relation should exist allowing prediction of the degree of clinical effect based on the measured effect on the surrogate outcome. ⋯ Is this use sound? The validity of such outcomes has been reviewed in different therapeutic areas: hypertension, venous thromboembolism, AIDS, osteoporosis, hepatitis C. Based on this review, a pragmatic strategy is proposed which allows for the validation and proper use of surrogate outcomes.
This paper introduces some comments on the complete text of Good Pharmacovigilance Publishing Practices, which forms appendix number 2 of the Good Pharmacovigilance Practices now published by the French Drug Agency, as was Good Clinical Practices. Each good practice is printed in italic and presented in a frame; the following comments are designed to facilitate its application. The technical terms that are used in this text are presented according to the glossary in Good Pharmacovigilance Practices.
There have been recently a prescription error and a dispensing error in our department due to drug names which look or sound alike. Errors of this type have frequently been quoted in the Anglo-Saxon literature. The method of choosing a drug trade name is recalled, and a table of French drug names which can involve errors of prescription and dispensing errors is provided.