Cns Spectrums
Akathisia is a neurological side effect of antipsychotic medications, which are used to treat various psychiatric disorders, and is characterized by physical restlessness and a subjective urge to move. Although side effects, such as akathisia, dystonia, and dyskinesia, are common for conventional medications, these effects occur in reduced frequency with the use of new-generation antipsychotics. Despite a lowered incidence profile, akathisia and similar conditions continue to affect patients. ⋯ First-line treatment of akathisia includes benzodiazepines or beta-blockers for patients who do not have symptoms of Parkinson's disease and anticholinergics for patients with Parkinson's symptoms. Clinicians should ensure that an accurate diagnosis of akathisia is made and target symptoms are decreasing due to treatment, which does not negatively affect the mental health of the patient. This expert roundtable supplement will address the diagnosis, pathophysiology, phenomenology, classification, and history of akathisia as well as provide screening tools and treatment options for the condition.
Brain-damaged patients with lesion or dysfunction involving the parietal cortex may show a variety of neuropsychological impairments involving spatial cognition. The more frequent and disabling deficit is the syndrome of unilateral spatial neglect that, in a nutshell, consists in a bias of spatial representation and attention ipsilateral to of extrapersonal, personal (ie, the body) space, or both, toward the side of the hemispheric lesion. The deficit is more frequent and severe after damage to the right hemisphere, involving particularly the posterior-inferior parietal cortex at the temporo-parietal junction. ⋯ Other less frequent deficits, which, however, have a relevant localizing value, include optic ataxia (namely, the defective reaching of visual objects, in the absence of elementary visuo-motor impairments), which is typically brought about by damage to the superior parietal lobule. Optic ataxia, together with deficits of visual attention, of estimating distances and depth, and with apraxia of gaze, constitutes the severely disabling Balint-Holmes' syndrome, which is typically associated with bilateral posterior parietal and occipital damage. Finally, lesions of the posterior parietal lobule (angular gyrus) in the left hemisphere may bring about a tetrad of symptoms (left-right disorientation, acalculia, finger agnosia, and agraphia) termed Gerstmann's syndrome, that also exists in a developmental form.