The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. · Oct 2019
Trifecta has lower gradient and less prosthesis-patient mismatch than Mosaic Ultra in the aortic position: A prospective randomized study.
When aortic valve replacement is needed, a biological valve is usually implanted in patients older than age 60 to 65 years. A large valvular opening area is important to avoid prosthesis-patient mismatch and facilitate reverse left ventricular remodeling. The Trifecta biological valve (St Jude Medical, St Paul, Minn) is, because of its design, believed to reduce transvalvular gradient compared with other biological valves, especially in smaller annuli. Several retrospective studies have compared transvalvular gradients of implanted valves prostheses using the respective manufacturers given size and not the actual annulus size measured by a metric sizer. This makes comparison of the hemodynamic properties of different valve brands and sizes difficult. We therefore performed a prospective randomized study, using the same metric sizer to measure annulus size, and compared hemodynamic profiles of the Trifecta to our standard Mosaic Ultra biological valve (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minn). ⋯ Trifecta showed lower transvalvular gradients and less severe prosthesis-patient mismatch compared with Mosaic Ultra for the given annulus sizes. Protocol ID: 2011/2596/REK.
J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. · Oct 2019
The Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network: Early experience and lessons learned.
The Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network (TSSMN) is a social media collaborative formed in 2015 by The Annals of Thoracic Surgery and The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery to bring social media attention to key publications from both journals and to highlight major accomplishments in the specialty. Our aim is to describe TSSMN's preliminary experience and lessons learned. ⋯ We demonstrate that TSSMN further enhances the ability for the journals to connect with their readership and the cardiothoracic community. Ongoing studies to correlate social media attention with article reads, article-level metrics, citations, and journal impact factor are eagerly awaited.
J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. · Oct 2019
Determinants of acute events leading to mortality after shunt procedure in univentricular palliation.
The study objective was to identify determinants of adverse outcomes in patients undergoing univentricular palliation after the shunt procedure. ⋯ More than one-fifth of patients shunted during univentricular palliation die before the second stage. The majority of these deaths are associated with acute events occurring early after surgery. Strategies to improve survival should focus on prevention and management of acute events.
The current guidelines do not consider chronic type A aortic dissection as one of the triggers for prophylactic aortic repair, and an aortic diameter of 55 mm is considered the threshold for surgery. ⋯ In unrepaired chronic type A aortic dissection, aortic events were not infrequent even for patients with an aortic diameter of less than 55 mm. This finding indicates that there may be a need to lower the surgical threshold for chronic type A aortic dissection.