Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr · Jan 2015
Controlled Clinical Trial[A role of melatonin in the treatment of low back pain].
To study an analgesic role of melatonin in the treatment of low back pain. ⋯ Possible mechanisms of analgesic properties of melatonin and world experience in chronic low back pain treatment are discussed.
to study the content of biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic value in the assessment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) severity in children. ⋯ The content of NSE and S100B increased immediately after TBI regardless of TBI severity, but in cases with favorable outcome it dropped to a normal level in the first 3 days. The maximum levels of S100B protein and NSE were observed in children with fatal TBI, and higher values were observed throughout the post-traumatic period. The low levels of aAb to NR2-subtype of glutamate receptors that were similar to controls and the high level of nAb to S100B in the first days after severe TBI indicate the failure of compensatory-adaptive immunological mechanisms and the high permeability of the brain-blood barrier, which were poor prognostic signs for children with severe TBI. Mild and severe TBI with full recovery were accompanied by higher values of ВDNF in the 1st day followed by a decline to the 3rd day. The level of BDNF in the 1st day of TBI was the lowest and subsequently continued to decline in patients with severe TBI with fatal outcome.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr · Jan 2015
[Computerized method of objectification of dizziness and vertigo and differential diagnostic of vestibulopathies].
To create a complex computerized method of objectification of dizziness and vertigo, and differentiation of vestibulopathies of various geneses using electrooculography approach that allows to record and analyze spontaneous, vestibular- and visually-induced eye movements, with the following classification (discriminant) analysis of the results obtained. ⋯ Significant diagnostic parameters based on the recognition and analysis of spontaneous, vestibular- and visually-induced eye movements were coefficients of efficacy and increased frequency of fixation saccades and smooth pursuit with- and without retinal optokinetic stimulation. We developed the algorithm and complex computerized method for differentiation of different types of vestibulopathy.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr · Jan 2015
[Alcohol use disorders: current approaches to diagnosis and treatment].
Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are the leading causes of disability, health worsening and increased mortality. Diagnosis of alcohol use disorders is based on the formal criteria of ICD-10 and DSM-V. Sobriety-oriented therapy has extremely low efficiency. ⋯ Serious expectations in addressing unsatisfactory efficiency of alcoholism treatment are associated with WHO reducing alcohol consumption strategy. Nalmefene is the first and still only drug registered as a medicine for reducing alcohol use. Recent studies show that the decrease of alcohol consumption using nalmefene creates opportunities for significant lessening of alcohol-related morbidity, injuries and deaths.