Plos One
Recently we have witnessed a number of rapid shifts toward populism in the rhetoric and policies of major political parties, as exemplified in the 2016 Brexit Referendum, 2016 US Election, and 2017 UK General Election. Our perspective here is to focus on understanding the underlying societal processes behind these recent political shifts. We use novel methods to study social dynamics behind the 2016 Presidential election. ⋯ While the Alt-right group was growing exponentially, it has remained relatively isolated. Counter to the mainstream view, we detected an unexpectedly low number of automated 'bot' accounts and accounts associated with foreign intervention in the Trump-supporting group. Our work demonstrates a powerful method for tracking the evolution of societal groups and reveals complex social processes behind political changes.
Mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) devices are widely used to rescue patients from cardiac arrest. This study aimed to compare hemodynamic effects and resuscitation outcomes between a motor-driven, automatic simultaneous sterno-thoracic cardiopulmonary resuscitation device and the Lund University cardiac arrest system (LUCAS). ⋯ CPR with a motor-driven X-CPR and CPR with the LUCAS produced similar hemodynamic effects and resuscitation outcomes in a swine model of cardiac arrest.
To determine the impact of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) organ sub-scores for hospital mortality risk stratification in a contemporary cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) population. ⋯ In CICU patients with complete SOFA sub-score data, risk stratification for hospital mortality is determined primarily by the cardiovascular, central nervous system, renal and respiratory SOFA sub-scores.
Veteran patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their family members regularly receive care from nurses. Understanding nurses' training and beliefs can provide direction for intervention work aimed at ensuring the best possible care is delivered to this population. ⋯ These findings have implications for development of education and training interventions for nurses who care for Veteran patients with TBI.
Decreased muscle strength is not only a risk factor for hip fracture in older patients, but plays a role in recovery of physical function. Our aim was to assess the role of grip strength measured early after hip fracture, and classified according to the EWGSOP2 criteria in predicting short- and long-term functional recovery. One hundred ninety-one patients with acute hip fracture consecutively admitted to an orthopaedic hospital have been selected. ⋯ Multivariate regression analysis adjusted for age and gender revealed that hand grip weakness was an independent predictor of worse functional outcome at 3 and 6 months after hip fracture for both genders and in all age populations. Our study supports the prognostic role of hand grip strength assessed at hospital admission in patients with hip fracture. Thus, clinicians should be encouraged to include hand grip assessment in their evaluation of hip fracture patients in the acute setting in order to optimize treatment of high-risk individuals.