Plos One
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Effect of preconception low dose aspirin on pregnancy and live birth according to socioeconomic status: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial.
Low socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and infertility. Low-dose aspirin (LDA) was shown to improve livebirth rates in certain subsets of women, and therefore, may impact pregnancy rates differentially by SES status. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine whether daily preconception-initiated LDA affects rates of pregnancy, livebirth, and pregnancy loss differently across strata of socioeconomic status (SES). ⋯ LDA, a low-cost and widely available treatment, may be particularly beneficial to women at the highest and lowest ends of the socioeconomic spectrum, though underlying mechanisms of this disparity are unclear. Confirming these findings and identifying factors which may modulate the effectiveness of LDA will ultimately facilitate personalized clinical care and improvements in population-level reproductive health. Trial registration number:, NCT00467363.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial Observational Study
Oral anticoagulation in very elderly patients with atrial fibrillation: Results from the prospective multicenter START2-REGISTER study.
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have shown similar efficacy and safety with respect to warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the proportion of patients aged ≥85 years enrolled in clinical trials was low and the applicability of their results to very elderly patients is still uncertain. We have carried out a prospective cohort study on AF patients aged ≥85 years enrolled in the Survey on anticoagulaTed pAtients RegisTer (START2-Register) and treated with either VKAs or DOACs, with the aim to evaluate mortality, bleeding and thrombotic rates during a long-term follow-up. ⋯ Patients on DOACs showed a higher rate of thrombotic events during treatment (rate 1.84 and 0.50,respectively). Mortality rate was higher in patients on VKAs than in patients on DOACs (HR 0.64 (95% CI 0.46-0.91). In conclusion, we confirm the overall safety and effectiveness of anticoagulant treatment in very elderly AF patients, with lower mortality rates in DOACs patients, similar bleeding risk, and a higher risk for cerebral thrombotic events in DOACs patients.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Comparison of quality control methods for automated diffusion tensor imaging analysis pipelines.
The processing of brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data for large cohort studies requires fully automatic pipelines to perform quality control (QC) and artifact/outlier removal procedures on the raw DTI data prior to calculation of diffusion parameters. In this study, three automatic DTI processing pipelines, each complying with the general ENIGMA framework, were designed by uniquely combining multiple image processing software tools. Different QC procedures based on the RESTORE algorithm, the DTIPrep protocol, and a combination of both methods were compared using simulated ground truth and artifact containing DTI datasets modeling eddy current induced distortions, various levels of motion artifacts, and thermal noise. ⋯ However, the pipeline based on the RESTORE algorithm was the most accurate when analyzing the artifact containing DTI datasets. The pipeline that combined the DTIPrep protocol and the RESTORE algorithm produced the lowest standard deviation in FA measurements in normal appearing WM across subjects. We concluded that this pipeline was the most robust and is preferred for automated analysis of multisite brain DTI data.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of primary health care professionals towards alcohol use: A national, cross-sectional study.
Primary care (PC) professionals' knowledge about alcohol use has been identified as one of the barriers PC providers face in their clinic. Both PC professionals' level of training and attitude are crucial in the clinical practice regarding alcohol use. ⋯ PC providers' knowledge and preventive practices regarding alcohol use are scarce, hence specific training strategies to increase their knowledge and improve their attitude and skills with regard to this health problem should be considered a healthcare policy priority.
Multicenter Study Meta Analysis
Primary tumour location affects survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases: A two-institutional cohort study with international validation, systematic meta-analysis and a clinical risk score.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents a major cause for cancer death and every third patient develops liver metastases (CRLM). Several factors including number and size of metastases and primary tumour lymph-node status have been linked to survival. The primary tumour location along the colo-rectum continuum (sidedness) was analysed in first-line chemotherapy trials, where right-sided CRCs showed decreased survival. This association has not yet been clearly established in patients undergoing resection for CRLM. ⋯ Patients with liver metastases from right-sided CRC experience worse survival after hepatic resection. Sidedness is a simple yet effective factor to predict outcome.