Comparative Study
Primary care role in the management of childhood depression: a comparison of pediatricians and family physicians.
To provide a self-described assessment of pediatricians' and family physicians' management of childhood depression. ⋯ Most primary care physicians refer pediatric patients with depression; however, practice patterns vary by specialty and other factors. Future studies must consider the role of primary care and evaluate how interspecialty variations affect costs and outcomes of childhood depression.
Rib fractures are uncommon in infancy and, when diagnosed, often raise the suspicion of child abuse. However, the prevalence of other causes of rib fractures has not been well defined. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes and clinical presentations of rib fractures in infants <12 months old. ⋯ Most rib fractures in infants are caused by child abuse. Although much less common, rib fractures can also occur after serious accidental injuries, birth trauma, or secondary to bone fragility. A thorough clinical and imaging evaluation is mandatory.
Editorial Comment
Primary care providers and childhood mental health conditions.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the effects of prophylactic theophylline on renal function in term neonates with perinatal asphyxia.
The kidney is the most damaged organ in asphyxiated full-term infants. Experiments in rabbits and rats have shown that renal adenosine acts as a vasoconstrictive metabolite in the kidney after hypoxemia and/or ischemia, contributing to the fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and filtration fraction. Vasoconstriction produced by adenosine can be inhibited by the nonspecific adenosine receptor antagonist, theophylline. Gouyon and Guignard performed studies in newborn and adult rabbits subjected to normocapnic hypoxemia. Their results clearly showed that the hypoxemia-induced drop in GFR could be avoided by the administration of low doses of theophylline. ⋯ Our data suggest that prophylactic theophylline, given early after birth, has beneficial effects on reducing the renal dysfunction in asphyxiated full-term infants. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Effect of infection control measures on the frequency of upper respiratory infection in child care: a randomized, controlled trial.
Acute upper respiratory infections are common in children who attend child care, and preventing transmission of disease in this setting depends on actions by child care staff. We set out to discover whether transmission of respiratory infections in child care could be reduced by improved infection control procedures. ⋯ This trial supports the role of direct transmission of colds in young children in child care. The ability of infection control techniques to reduce episodes of colds in children in child care was limited to children 24 months of age and under.