P Nutr Soc
Coeliac disease is a lifelong intolerance to the gluten found in wheat, barley and rye, and some patients are also sensitive to oats. The disease is genetically determined, with 10% of the first-degree relatives affected and 75% of monozygotic twins being concordant. Of the patients with coeliac disease 95% are human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 positive. ⋯ Patients with minor symptoms, who are found incidentally to have coeliac disease, often ask whether it is necessary to adhere to the diet. Current advice is that dietary adherence is necessary to avoid the long-term complications, which are, principally, osteoporosis and small bowel lymphoma. However, risk of these complications diminishes very considerably in patients who are on a gluten-free diet.
The prevalence of obesity in the general population is high and it is inevitable that artificial feeding will be needed from time to time in the obese patient, particularly in the critical care setting. Against a background of generous endogenous stores of energy as adipose tissue and the ability of obese individuals to survive starvation longer than non-obese individuals, emphasis is placed on preserving lean body mass and optimizing physiological function. Insulin resistance is typical of the obese individual and is exacerbated by stress; overfeeding is dangerous, particularly if it results in hyperglycaemia. ⋯ Weight may be difficult to measure and lean body mass difficult to assess. Calculation of energy requirements is therefore problematic in practice in the obese individual and there is substantial evidence from controlled clinical trials of the safety of feeding at or below resting energy expenditure. If this approach is taken it is wise to provide a more generous than normal protein intake and to beware of patients with a very high baseline urinary N excretion.
The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) of adults aged 19-64 years, carried out in 2000-1, is part of the NDNS programme, a series of cross-sectional surveys aiming to provide detailed quantitative information on the diet, nutritional status and related characteristics of the British population. The programme is split into four surveys of different population age-groups, conducted at approximately three-yearly intervals. In the survey of adults food consumption data were collected from 1724 respondents using a 7 d weighed-intake dietary record. ⋯ However, younger adults (particularly women) and those in lower socio-economic groups are more likely to have low micronutrient intakes and lower levels of some nutritional status indices. The proportion of food energy derived from total fat has fallen since the last survey of this age-group in 1986-7 and is close to the dietary reference value, while the proportion of energy derived from saturated fatty acids and non-milk extrinsic sugars exceeds the dietary reference values. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased since 1986-7 and physical activity levels are low.
Nutritional requirements of surgical and critically-ill patients: do we really know what they need?
Malnutrition remains a problem in surgical and critically-ill patients. In surgical patients the incidence of malnutrition ranges from 9 to 44%. Despite this variability there is a consensus that malnutrition worsens during hospital stay. ⋯ Identifying the optimal requirements of ICU patients is far more difficult because of the heterogeneous nature of this population. In general, 5.6 kJ (25 kcal)/kg per d is an acceptable and achievable target intake, but patients with sepsis or trauma may require almost twice as much energy during the acute phase of their illness. The implications of failing to meet and exceeding the requirements of critically-ill patients are also reviewed.
There is ongoing debate about the respective roles of enteral and parenteral nutrition. The present short review suggests that these two feeding modalities are not mutually exclusive and that optimal nutritional support may necessitate the concomitant administration of enteral together with parenteral nutrition.