P Nutr Soc
The ongoing hypermetabolic response in patients with prolonged critical illness leads to the loss of lean tissue mass. Since the cachexia of prolonged illness is usually associated with low concentrations of anabolic hormones, hormonal intervention has been thought to be beneficial. However, most interventions have been shown to be ineffective and their indiscriminate use even causes harm. ⋯ The origin of this suppressed pituitary secretion is located in the hypothalamus, as hypothalamic secretagogues can reactivate the anterior pituitary and restore pulsatile secretion. The reactivated pituitary secretion is accompanied by an increase in peripheral target hormones, indicating at least partial sensitivity of these tissues to anterior pituitary hormones in this chronic phase of illness. Thus, endocrine intervention with a combination of hypothalamic secretagogues that more completely reactivate the anterior pituitary could be a more physiological and effective strategy for inducing anabolism in patients with prolonged critical illness.
The medical care of patients with sepsis or severe inflammatory response syndromes has seen tremendous technological advancements in recent years; yet, several clinical studies with anti-cytokine therapies targetted to this population have met with disappointing results. Four primary factors have been identified that represent potential pitfalls involving the use of biological response modifiers in critically-ill patients. First, the physiological response in the stressed patient is complex. ⋯ The relative proportions of patients with these polymorphisms within clinical trials may affect outcome and data analysis. Thus, a better understanding of these issues will result in improvement of the experimental design of clinical trials involving anti-cytokine therapies and critically-ill patients. Avoidance of these pitfalls will enhance the quality and utility of outcomes research in this subset of patients.
Fluid and electrolyte balance is often poorly understood and inappropriate prescribing can cause increased post-operative morbidity and mortality. The efficiency of the physiological response to a salt or water deficit, developed through evolution, contrasts with the relatively inefficient mechanism for dealing with salt excess. Saline has a Na+:Cl- of 1:1 and can produce hyperchloraemic acidosis, renal vasoconstriction and reduced glomerular filtration rate. ⋯ This requirement must not be confused with those for resuscitation of the hypovolaemic patient in whom the main aim of fluid therapy is repletion of the intravascular volume. Fluid and electrolyte balance is a vital component of the metabolic care of surgical and critically-ill patients, with important consequences for gastrointestinal function and hence nutrition. It is also of importance when prescribing artificial nutrition and should be given the same careful consideration as other nutritional and pharmacological needs.
For most of the last century, researchers have searched for a muscle contraction-induced factor that mediates some of the exercise effects in other tissues such as the liver and the adipose tissue. It has been called the 'work stimulus', the 'work factor' or the 'exercise factor'. In the search for such a factor, a cytokine, IL-6, was found to be produced by contracting muscles and released into the blood. ⋯ The IL-6 gene is rapidly activated during exercise, and the activation of this gene is further enhanced when muscle glycogen content is low. In addition, carbohydrate supplementation during exercise has been shown to inhibit the release of IL-6 from contracting muscle. Thus, it is suggested that muscle-derived IL-6 fulfils the criteria of an exercise factor and that such classes of cytokines could be termed 'myokines'.
Growth failure and poor nutritional status are features of children with chronic disease. Oral protein-energy supplements are one of a number of interventions provided with the aim of improving nutritional status in these children. The present paper describes a Cochrane systematic review assessing the efficacy of these products in children with chronic disease. ⋯ No conclusions can be drawn on the efficacy of these products based on the limited data available. Further randomised controlled trials are required to investigate the use of these products in children with chronic disease. Until further data are available, these products should be used with caution.