Biography Historical Article
Ernest Hemingway: a psychological autopsy of a suicide.
Much has been written about Ernest Hemingway, including discussion of his well-documented mood disorder, alcoholism, and suicide. However, a thorough biopsychosocial approach capable of integrating the various threads of the author's complex psychiatric picture has yet to be applied. Application of such a psychiatric view to the case of Ernest Hemingway in an effort toward better understanding of the author's experience with illness and the tragic outcome is the aim of this investigation. ⋯ Hemingway utilized a variety of defense mechanisms, including self-medication with alcohol, a lifestyle of aggressive, risk-taking sportsmanship, and writing, in order to cope with the suffering caused by the complex comorbidity of his interrelated psychiatric disorders. Ultimately, Hemingway's defense mechanisms failed, overwhelmed by the burden of his complex comorbid illness, resulting in his suicide. However, despite suffering from multiple psychiatric disorders, Hemingway was able to live a vibrant life until the age of 61 and within that time contribute immortal works of fiction to the literary canon.
The road to scientific discovery begins with an awareness of what is unknown. Research in science can in some ways be like putting together the pieces of a puzzle without having the benefit of the box-top picture of the completed puzzle. The "picture" in science is an understanding of how nature works in a particular instance, and it takes many separate pieces of the "puzzle" to put this understanding together. ⋯ In this guide, we will explore as many of the domains of the genetic puzzle as we are aware of. We will learn a bit of the language of each and how they fit into the puzzle with at least one anecdote to serve as an example. Mapping unknown territory is always a process, but we hope this guide will increase the reader's awareness of what is unknown.
This study, which explored job terminations among 60 individuals with severe mental illness participating in a supported employment program in Hong Kong, used the Chinese Job Termination Interview that was validated and translated from the Job Termination Interview (JTI; Becker, Drake, Bond et al., 1988). More than half of the job terminations (53%) were unsatisfactory which included dissatisfaction with job (44%) and lack of interest (22%). ⋯ Similarities and differences of findings were compared with overseas studies. Possible improvement of current supported employment program was discussed.
This study examined media exposure and adjustment to anthrax bioterrorism attacks and the terrorist attacks on 9/11 in a sample of 300 people who lived distant from the attacks. Measures of direct and indirect exposure to terrorism, perceived risk of anthrax exposure, psychological distress, and outlook were assessed at 2 to 3 months and at 8 months after the first reported anthrax attack. ⋯ Perceived risk of anthrax exposure predicted distress and outlook but did not appear to mediate the effects of media exposure. Determining the nature and consequences of media exposure to threatening and frightening events like terrorism will help predict and manage response to future bioterrorism.