Epidemiol Prev
This study describes up-to-date cancer incidence and survival in Italian paediatric and adolescent patients, based on data collected by the network of Italian cancer registries (AIRTUM). It updates the monograph published on the same topic in 2008. The main objective of this monograph is to present the statistics according to standard rigorous epidemiological methods and disseminate them to a wide range of readers, including the lay public. Given the deep impact of the 2008 monograph on the general public, in this update we complement descriptive statistics with additional data and commentaries on issues of importance for public health, in order to provide unambiguous criteria on how to interpret the statistics. The study is the result of the collaboration between AIRTUM and AIEOP (Italian Association of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology) with contributions from interested parties, including representatives of parent associations. The monograph is divided into three parts. The first part presents incidence rates, survival probabilities, and time trends, by sex, age, geographical area, and cancer site or type, by means of tables and graphs as in the previous monograph, to facilitate direct comparisons. Four articles summarize and comment the results. The second part uses data from AIRTUM and AIEOP to outline patient management and health care issues; it includes estimates of the number of new cases in the next decade and of young adults living after a paediatric cancer diagnosis. Health organizational aspects of treatment services for paediatric patients, based on the AIEOP database, are also discussed, along with long-term complications in cured patients. The third section describes the changes in mortality trends due to improving therapies and healthcare services, and discusses risk factors and prevention of childhood cancer, late adverse events in cured patients, and other related issues. ⋯ The present findings update descriptive cancer epidemiology in children and adolescents in Italy based on data provided by an extensive network of general and specialized population-based cancer registries. Data obtained from cancer registries are supplemented by additional information collected by specialized clinical AIEOP centres and mortality reports collected by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). Incidence rates reported in Italy were slightly higher in comparison to other developed Countries, but relatively consistent between different Italian areas. Our results also showed that the significant increase in cancer incidence observed until the end of Nineties has halted, with the exception solely of thyroid cancer in adolescents. Efficacy of therapeutic protocols has improved constantly since the Seventies, and recent findings confirm this trend in all age groups and, in particular, for rarer tumours and cancer types that have very poor prognosis. Findings derived from cross-analysis with AIEOP data suggest that it is possible to further improve the efficiency of our healthcare system, in particular for adolescents; migration can be reduced with a more rational use of hospitals throughout Italy.
The limited scientific knowledge on relationship between exposure and health effects in relation to geothermal activity motivated an epidemiologic investigation in Tuscan geothermal area. The study aims to describe the health status of populations living in Tuscany municipalities where concessions for exploitation of geothermal resources were granted. ⋯ POPULATION'S HEALTH STATUS: This study evaluated health status of resident population in geothermal areas analysing geographic and temporal distribution of mortality, hospitalization and reproductive health outcomes (congenital malformations, low birth weight, sex ratio among newborns). In both geothermal areas mortality rates steadily declined from 1971 to 2006, in males and females, in line with the regional trends. In 2000-2006 period, in the overall geothermal area a significant mortality excess was observed for all causes among males (2,312 deaths, 2,146 expected), but not among females, using as reference residents in neighbouring municipalities. The mortality excess among males was more evident for infectious diseases (25 deaths, 10 expected), especially tuberculosis (8 deaths, 2 expected), for respiratory diseases (218 deaths, 170 expected), in particular pneumoconiosis, including deaths from silicosis (51 deaths, 14 expected), and for nervous system diseases (72 deaths, 56 expected). Among females significant mortality excess for liver cirrhosis (35 deaths, 25 expected) emerged, while mortality from cardiovascular diseases and ischemic heart diseases were significantly lower than expected. In the NGA, mortality among men was lower than expected for all cancers (-15%), in particular for lung cancer (- 25%), while values significantly in excesses were observed for infectious diseases (11 observed, 4 expected) and respiratory diseases (90 observed, 73 expected), expecially pneumoconiosis (20 observed, 6 expected). Among females, significant mortality excesses for ovarian cancer (17 observed, 10 expected) and for circulatory disorders of brain (170 observed, 140 expected) resulted. In the SGA, mortality was more critical, accounting for majority of the excesses detected in overall Geothermal Area. In fact, only infectious diseases and pneumoconiosis were detected in excess in both the geothermal areas. In the SGA, excess of general mortality among males (1,431 deaths; 1,245 expected) but not among females emerged. Even for all cancers, an excess among males (505 deaths, 419 expected) was observed, in particular for cancer of stomach (53 deaths, 44 expected, not statistically significant after adjusting for DI), liver (39 deaths, 23 expected) and lung (124 deaths, 102 expected) cancer. Mortality in SGA was also in excess for respiratory diseases only among men (128 deaths, 97 expected), mostly due to silicosis (31 deaths, 8 expected), although steadily decreasing since 1971 as observed at regional level. Also tuberculosis resulted in excess in SGA (7 deaths, 1 expected). Among females acute respiratory disease mortality was significantly in excess (41 observed, 29 expected). Temporal trend showed a decline from the 70s to the 90s, with a rising trend in recent years in line with Tuscany region. It should be considered that pneumonia was the commonest cause of death of acute respiratory diseases, which allow for lower reliability of death certificate, especially among the elderly (> 64 years). Among females resident in SGA a mortality excess from digestive system diseases was observed (72 observed, 55 expected). The hospitalization in the overall Geothermal Area did not show any excess for all causes and all tumours in both genders. Statistically significant excesses for hospital admission from stomach cancer among males (49 observed, 38 expected) and females (42 observed, 28 expected), and from lymphohematopoietic tumours among females, particularly from lymphatic leukaemia (15 observed, 5 expected), were observed. As mortality analysis highlighted, also hospital admissions by geothermal areas and gender showed a worst picture in SGA than in NGA. In the latter, a significant excess of hospital admissions from all causes among females (1,357 observed, 1,284 expected) but not among males (1,193 observed, 1,141 expected) and an excess - close to statistical significance - from all tumours only among females (297 observed; 272 expected) were observed. Furthermore, statistically significant excesses of hospital admissions from digestive system diseases in both genders (M: 392 observed, 350 expected; F: 300 observed, 268 expected), from dementias (16 observed, 8 expected) and from lympho hematopoietic cancers among females, particularly from lymphatic leukaemia (9 observed, 2 expected), were observed. In the SGA, statistically significant excesses of hospital admissions for stomach cancer (M: 32 observed, 21 expected, not significant after adjusting by DI; F: 29 observed, 18 expected), for respiratory diseases (M: 408 observed, 351 expected; F: 339 observed, 277 expected) and for renal failure (M: 61 observed, 41 expected; F: 52 observed, 34 expected) were observed in both genders. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
Comparative Study
[Health technology assessment report: Computer-assisted Pap test for cervical cancer screening].
HEALTH PROBLEM: Cervical cancer is a disease which is highly preventable by means of Pap test screening for the precancerous lesions, which can be easily treated. Furthermore, in the near future, control of the disease will be enhanced by the vaccination which prevents the infection of those human papillomavirus types that cause the vast majority of cervical cancers. The effectiveness of screening in drastically reducing cervical cancer incidence has been clearly demonstrated. The epidemiology of cervical cancer in industrialised countries is now determined mostly by the Pap test coverage of the female population and by the ability of health systems to assure appropriate follow up after an abnormal Pap test. ⋯ Computer-assisted automated Pap test may be introduced only if there is a need to increase the volume of slides screened to cover the screening target population and sufficient human resources are not available. Switching a programme using conventional slides to automatic scanning can only lead to a reduction in costs if the volume of slides per year exceeds 49,000 slides/annum and cytologist productivity is optimised to more than 20,000 slides per year. At a productivity of 15,000 or fewer, the automated computer-assisted Pap test cannot be convenient. Switching from manual screening with conventional slides to automatic scanning with liquid-based cytology cannot generate any economic saving, but the system could increase output with a given number of staff. The transition from manual to computer assisted automated screening of liquid based cytology will not generate savings and the increase in productivity will be lower than that of the switch from manual/conventional to automated/conventional. The use of biologists or pathologists as cytologists is more costly than the use of cytoscreeners. Given that the automated computer-assisted Pap test reduces human resource costs, its adoption in a model using only biologists and pathologists for screening is more economically advantageous. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)