Med Pr
A gas chromatographic method for determination of extraction naphtha and benzene has been developed. The best parameters of chromatographic separation were found. ⋯ One of them consists in preparation of calibration curve from extraction naphtha standard solutions. The other one consists in preparation of calibration curve from standard extraction naphtha vapours adsorbed on charcoal.
Biography Historical Article
[Scientific and professional activities of Prof. Witold Zahorski].
The paper presents results of measurements of the efficiency of retention of radon decay products, occurring as radioactive aerosols, by anti-dust masks. The efficiency of three types of masks: PM-1, PM-3, PP-2 "Delta" was studied under various conditions of equilibrium between radon and products of its decay in the air. It was concluded that the efficiency of retention of radon decay products, occurring as radioactive aerosols, by the mentioned types of masks, comes to 75--87%. Anti-dust PM-1 (F-14 filter) and PM-3 (F-13 filter) masks are recommended as most efficient.