Crit Care Resusc
Objective: To describe the protocol and statistical analysis plan for the Treatment of Invasively Ventilated Adults with Early Activity and Mobilisation (TEAM III) trial. Design: An international, multicentre, parallel-group, randomised controlled phase 3 trial. Setting: Intensive care units (ICUs) in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Brazil. ⋯ This plan specifies the statistical models for evaluating primary and secondary outcomes, defines covariates for adjusted analyses, and defines methods for exploratory analyses. Application of this protocol and statistical analysis plan to the forthcoming TEAM III trial will facilitate unbiased analyses of the clinical data collected. Trial identifier NCT03133377.
Background: The β-Lactam Infusion Group (BLING) III study is a prospective, multicentre, open, phase 3 randomised controlled trial comparing continuous infusion with intermittent infusion of β-lactam antibiotics in 7000 critically ill patients with sepsis. Objective: To describe a statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study. Methods: The statistical analysis plan was designed by the trial statistician and chief investigators and approved by the BLING III management committee before the completion of data collection. ⋯ Interim analysis by the Data Safety and Monitoring Committee (DSMC) has been conducted in accordance with a pre-specified DSMC charter. Results and conclusions: The statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study is published before completion of data collection and unblinding to minimise analysis bias and facilitate public access and transparent analysis and reporting of study findings. Trial Registry NCT03212990.
Objective: To report longitudinal differences in baseline characteristics, treatment, and outcomes in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) between the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Australia. Design, setting and participants: SPRINT-SARI Australia is a multicentre, inception cohort study enrolling adult patients with COVID-19 admitted to participating ICUs. The first wave of COVID-19 was from 27 February to 30 June 2020, and the second wave was from 1 July to 22 October 2020. ⋯ In-hospital mortality was similar (12.2% v 14.6%; P = 0.452), but observed mortality decreased over time and patients were more likely to be discharged alive earlier in their ICU admission (hazard ratio, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.13-1.79; P = 0.002). Conclusion: During the second wave of COVID-19 in Australia, ICU length of stay and observed mortality decreased over time. Multiple factors were associated with this, including changes in clinical management, the adoption of new evidence-based treatments, and changes in patient demographic characteristics but not illness severity.
Objective: To estimate the incidence and outcomes of sepsis hospitalisations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous residents of New South Wales. Design and participants: Prospective cohort study of residents aged 45 years and older, recruited between 2006 and 2009, and followed for hospitalisation for sepsis. Main outcome measures: Incidence and hazard ratio (HR) of sepsis hospitalisation and intensive care unit (ICU) admission identified using International Classification of Diseases (10th revision) coding on discharge data. ⋯ Conclusion: We found that the rate of sepsis hospitalisation in NSW was higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults. Culturally appropriate, community-led strategies targeting chronic disease prevention and the social determinants of health may reduce this gap. Preventing readmission following sepsis is a priority for all Australians.
Objectives: To validate a real-time Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Activity Index as a marker of ICU strain from daily data available from the Critical Health Resource Information System (CHRIS), and to investigate the association between this Index and the need to transfer critically ill patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Victoria, Australia. Design: Retrospective observational cohort study. Setting: All 45 hospitals with an ICU in Victoria, Australia. ⋯ After adjusting for confounding factors, including occupancy and lack of available ICU staff, a rising ICU Activity Index score was associated with an increased risk of a critical care transfer (odds ratio, 4.10; 95% CI, 2.34-7.18; P < 0.001). Conclusions: The ICU Activity Index appeared to be a valid marker of ICU strain during the COVID-19 pandemic. It may be useful as a real-time clinical indicator of ICU activity and predict the need for redistribution of critical ill patients.