Rev Neurol France
To analyze use of triptans in the Alsace region of France: patients, disorders motivating, doses, analgesics and migraine prophylactics associated treatments, contra-indications. To study major consumers (more than 144 intakes per year) and to determine among them the proportion who suffering from chronic headache. ⋯ The high rate of triptan misuse emphasizes the importance of improving prescription of these drugs.
Cryptococcal meningo-encephalitis is a rare disease occurring more frequently in immunocompromised hosts. ⋯ This case illustrates the usefulness of cerebrospinal fluid Cryptococcus Neoformans antigen test in patients with an unexplained neurological syndrome with a lymphocytic meningitis together with quantification of circulating lymphocytes clusters and analyse of their function in opportunistic infections.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been described for more than a century, but its cause remains unknown. Numerous reports have been written concerning borderline types of the disease. In the present paper we present the pseudo-tumoral variants of MS (so called Balo's, Marburg's and Schilder's forms), demographic variants (young and elderly onset of MS), related disorders (neuromyelitis optica and acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis). We also discuss the differential diagnosis with other auto-immune diseases.
The cramp-fasciculation syndrome is a rare clinical entity in comparison with the frequency of cramps and isolated fasciculations in the general population. It is recognized as a benign syndrome without weakness and atrophy, however a few reports suggest that it may precede the occurrence of a motor neuron disease. Most often, the cramp-fasciculation syndrome is idiopathic and may be a component of a hyperexcitable peripheral nerve syndrome including other activities such as myokymia and neuromyotonia where antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKCs) appear to be one of the effector mechanisms. ⋯ The central nervous system is also concerned with anti-VGKC antibodies found in Morvan's disease and limbic encephalitis which is often a paraneoplastic condition. These findings extend the spectrum of the anti-VGKC syndrome that may be associated with other auto-immune diseases, chiefly myasthenia gravis with thymoma. Carbamazepine and phenytoin cause reduction of the clinical and electrophysiological signs of the nerve hyperexcitability, and plasmapheresis and (or) immunosuppressors are useful when an auto-immune origin is considered.
Review Historical Article
[Peripheral nerve repair: 30 centuries of scientific research].
Nerve injury compromises sensory and motor functions. Techniques of peripheral nerve repair are based on our knowledge regarding regeneration. Microsurgical techniques introduced in the late 1950s and widely developed for the past 20 years have improved repairs. However, functional recovery following a peripheral mixed nerve injury is still incomplete. ⋯ This review presents the recent advances in understanding of neural regeneration and their application to the management of primary repairs and nerve gaps.