Acta Reumatol Port
Children and adolescents with systemic rheumatic diseases have an increased risk of infections. Although some infections are vaccine-preventable, immunization among patients with juvenile rheumatic diseases is suboptimal, partly due to some doubts that still persist regarding its efficacy and safety in this patient population. ⋯ Existing literature demonstrates that vaccines are generally well tolerated and effective in stable SIRD patients, yet antibody titers are frequently lower than in healthy controls. There is some evidence that biological therapy could hamper the immune response. Data on safety of live attenuated vaccines is limited. Although the available literature covers most vaccines included in the national immunization plan, there is a need for more information regarding new vaccines and new anti-rheumatic therapies.
To evaluate the effect of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on strength, dexterity, coordination and functional status of the hand and to determine the relation with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. ⋯ This study showed that RA has significant negative impact on hand function and dexterity and the parameters used in the evaluation of hand function are mainly associated with tenosynovitis scores. Since tenosynovitis is a common pathology in RA, MRI can be used as a supportive method in early diagnosis of tenosynovitis and may be useful in identification of patients requiring aggressive treatment.
Fibromyalgia (FM) remains a relatively misunderstood and clinically challenging condition that impact significantly in the individual´s life, impairing global functioning and diminishing quality of life. Management is complex and frequently unsatisfactory, requiring personal tailoring and adaptation of interventions according to the fluctuations of the disease manifestations and their response to therapy. The use of comprehensive and quantified assessment tools constitutes, therefore, an essential component of the management of patients with FM. The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR) is currently one of the most used and well validated instruments to assess functional (in)capacity and global impact of FM and associated symptoms. ⋯ The Portuguese version of the FIQR demonstrated good psychometric properties, which renders it a proper and valuable tool to be used in different settings.
Case Reports
[Calcifying tendinitis of the rotator cuff with focal umeral osteolysis. Imaging features].
Calcifying tendinitis occurs most commonly in the rotator cuff tendons, particularly involving the supraspinatus tendon insertion, and is often asymptomatic. Cortical erosion secondary to calcifying tendinitis has been reported in multiple locations, including in the rotator cuff tendons. The authors report two cases of symptomatic calcifying tendinitis involving the infraspinatus tendon with cortical erosion with correlative radiographic, and MR findings. The importance of considering this diagnosis when evaluating lytic lesions of the humerus and the imaging differential diagnosis of calcifying tendinitis and cortical erosion are discussed.
A 56-year-old male complained about progressive mechanical back pain for more than 10 years, which worsened with prolonged orthostatism and spine extension and improved in fetal position. His lumbar spine radiography revealed enlargement and sclerosis of the spinous processes which was confirmed by computed tomography, suggesting Baastrup's disease. This condition is characterized by enlargement, close approximation and impingement of one spinous process on another ("kissing spines"). ⋯ Physicians frequently miss it on radiographs due to lack of knowledge and overexposure of spinous processes in most X rays. Both conservative and surgical options are available for treatment. Baastrup's disease should be considered in differential diagnosis of back pain, although one must be aware the typical radiographic changes appear to be common with aging and may not be the cause of patient's symptoms.