Medicinski arhiv
Randomized Controlled Trial
Propofol results in higher incidence of bronchoconstriction in allergic patients.
Some reports showed allergic reaction to propofol. However, propofol has bronchodilating effect. The purpose of this study was to elucidate whether propofol is safely used for patients with allergy or bronchial asthma. ⋯ Propofol might induce bronchoconstriction with a higher incidence in allergic patients than in non-allergic patients, and than sevoflurane.
PhD degree in nursing is a relatively recent phenomenon and there is not enough experience in making the initial studies for the start of such studies. While nursing in the countries of Western Europe, USA, Asia, Canada and New Zealand develop as in the professional as well as in academic direction, our region has failed to catch up with these changes. The past 20 years is characterized by turbulent changes in the development of medical science and in line with these changes developed the idea of PhD studies. ⋯ Doctors in the field of nursing contribute to the development of education, quality assurance, development of scientific research and the advancement of nursing as a profession. Shortage of highly trained nurses and long-term stagnation in scientific research in nursing forced, especially developed countries, to develop doctoral studies in this field and then introduce reforms in nursing, which as the outcome given the improvement in the development of health systems, ways of education and science research in nursing. This article discusses the initial perquisites of the quality system for the development of efficient and high-quality doctoral studies at the health oriented faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Alterations of short-term heart rate variability in periinduction period of general anaesthesia with two intravenous anaesthetics.
Alterations of the parameters of heart rate variability, phenomenon associated with autonomic nervous system balance, have been shown as a possibly very important factor for monitoring of cardiocirculatory system in the perioperative period. Periinduction period of general anaesthesia is very important with significant changes of haemodynamics what could be reflected in the changes of the parameter of heart rate variability. ⋯ The results have shown that in the groups of patients who underwent induction of general anaesthesia with propofol or thiopentone, there have been reductions of the total spectral power and the power of the spectrum of low frequency components and high frequency components with variations in the relationship between the components in the different periods of periinduction time.
Isolated thoracic injuries are relatively common and they are on the second place as a cause of death overall trauma. Most patients with isolated thoracic injuries are treated on an outpatient basis while only serious cases are hospitalized. The basis of the treatment of thoracic trauma is efficient cardiopulmonary reanimation followed by an early detection and treatment of life threatening injuries. Less than 15% of patients with thoracic trauma require thoracotomy. ⋯ Based on the results of the initial diagnostic treatment, in majority of injured with isolated thoracic trauma, it was possible to conduct the relevant and appropriate therapeutic procedures. On the basis of relatively short period of thoracic drainage, hospitalization and low rates of morbidity and mortality, it may be confirmed that the application of initial diagnostic and therapeutic protocols of the Clinic for thoracic surgery resulted in the achievement of the successful treatments in majority of the injured for this type of the
Postoperative delirium (POD) is a frequent postoperative disorder to the sick and elderly, and always has been associated with extended of day stay in hospital, and certainly more cost for the hospital as well. Additionally, delirium is associated with increased postoperative complications, longer length of stay, longer intensive care unit stay (ICU), and much higher rates of discharge to a nursing home. As a result, delirium adds significant cost to hospitalization and subsequent medical care. The delirium causes an increased mortality and an increasing of mental status deterioration characterized by reduction of environmental recognition as well as the disorder of alertness. The purposes of this study are: a) the effectiveness of routine screening of postoperative Delirium in the elderly using Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)). In those cases psychiatrists are not necessary; b) understanding of risk factors and strategies for prevention and treatment; c) understanding of the impact of this psychotic disorders in postoperative morbidity and mortality; d) recognition of the economic impact of these disorders in the health service; e) describing of the etiology and incidence of Delirium post-operative. ⋯ Postoperative Delirium occurs as a result of the combination of several factors, not just those related to internal physiological age, but combining of these factors with the diseases which carries this age, with medications used for this age, with surgical stress, with biochemical imbalances, hemodynamic problems, and electrolytic disorders as well.