Berl Munch Tierarztl
Berl Munch Tierarztl · Jul 2004
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialClinical efficacy of meloxicam (Metacam) and flunixin (Finadyne) as adjuncts to antibacterial treatment of respiratory disease in fattening cattle.
The clinical efficacy of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), meloxicam (Metacam 20 mg/ml) and flunixin meglumine (Finadyne), as adjuncts to antibacterial therapy in the treatment of acute febrile respiratory disease in cattle was compared. The randomised blind, positive controlled study was conducted under feedlot conditions in Mexico. Overall, 201 female cattle (weighing 220-250 kg) diagnosed with bronchopneumonia at the feedlot were recruited into the study. ⋯ Repeated administration of flunixin meglumine was performed in 45% of the animals. No suspected adverse drug events related to treatments were reported. It is concluded that a single subcutaneous dose of meloxicam was as clinically effective as up to 3 consecutive daily intravenous doses of flunixin meglumine when used as an adjunctive therapy to antibacterial therapy in the treatment of acute febrile respiratory disease in feedlot cattle.
Berl Munch Tierarztl · Jul 2004
Comparative Study[Clinical comparison of isoflurane and sevoflurane anaesthesia in the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)].
The objective of this study was a comparison of the volatile anaesthetics isoflurane and sevoflurane in terms of their clinical effects in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) (n=12 each). Induction of anaesthesia was performed in a body chamber with an anaesthetic concentration of 4.0 Vol.% at an oxygen flow of 500 ml/min for isoflurane and 8.0 Vol.% at an oxygen flow of 1000 ml/min for sevoflurane, respectively. Anaesthesia was maintained via nose cone with an anaesthetic concentration of 2.8 to 3.2 Vol.% at an oxygen flow of 200 ml/min for isoflurane and 5.0 to 5.2 Vol.% at an oxygen flow of 400 ml/min for sevoflurane. ⋯ The animals were positioned on a heating pad immediately after induction, thus a decrease of the body temperature could be prevented. Both inhalants can be recommended for usage in gerbils. Sevoflurane showed no clinical benefit compared to isoflurane.
Berl Munch Tierarztl · Sep 1999
Historical Article[Historical review of smallpox, the eradication of smallpox and the attenuated smallpox MVA vaccine].
After the WHO had declared smallpox to be eradicated in 1980, smallpox vaccination ceased to be carried out in humans all over the world. The cutaneous inoculations carried out with live vaccines based on the vaccinia virus from 1798 onwards protected both the global population and, indirectly, the animals living with humans against orthopox infections in general. A large percentage of humans and animals no longer enjoy this protection. ⋯ The MVA strain was developed to reduce or prevent such adverse effects. MVA has meanwhile proved its worth both as a parenteral vaccine against orthopox infections in humans and animals and as a vector for insertion of foreign genes. The history of smallpox, the fight against this disease and the development of MVA are documented with the help of figures and tables.
Berl Munch Tierarztl · Nov 1998
[Evaluation of the antinociceptive effect of systemic and epidurally applied xylazine in general anesthesia with isoflurane in dogs and the effect of atipamezole infection on postoperative analgesia].
The alpha 2-selective adrenergic agonist xylazine has a long lasting antinociceptive effect (> 4 hours) after lumbosacral injection in dogs (Rector, 1996). The present study was performed to find out if epidurally administered xylazine acts locally as well as systemically. In a clinical investigation 30 dogs anesthetized with isoflurane in oxygen (1.9 Vol.% ET) were examined before and after epidural and intramuscular injection of xylazine (0.25 mg/kg) during surgery and over a 240-minute postoperative period. ⋯ However, sufficient analgesic plasma xylazine concentrations could only be detected in group II up to 180 minutes after injection. After this time period, an analgesic effect could not be expected anyway, even without antagonization. It can be concluded that the epidural administration of xylazine offers advantages in contrast to a systemic administration, as a longer lasting analgesic effect can be observed (after the epidural application), and systemic side effects can be reversed without effecting spinal analgesia.
Berl Munch Tierarztl · Aug 1995
Historical Article["...that subsequently homeopathy will become nowhere as common as in veterinary medicine"--the history of veterinary homeopathy in Germany].
The subject of this article is the historical development of veterinary homoeopathy in Germany until 1945. Turning away from drastic healing methods around 1800, Samuel Hahnemann started to develop his homoeopathic system which since the 1820ies was also applied in the treatment of animals, especially by laymen. The number of homoeopathically-oriented veterinarians remained small. ⋯ The war put an end to this project. The present situation of veterinary homoeopathy in Germany can be described as follows: Neither have allopathy and homoeopathy been united, as it had been predicted, nor has classical medicine accepted homoeopathy as a scientific discipline. Hahnemann's demand to make his teachings a part of the veterinary studies remains unfulfilled until today.