Acta Medica Port
The bibliometric analysis of the Portuguese scientific production in the field of breast pathology since 1995 to date (July 2005) provides an overview on the developed scientific activity on this subject and allows the characterisation of some relevant features as well as its evolution along the studied period. ⋯ An increase of the investigation in breast pathology is observed, this being illustrated by the increase in the number of articles published in well-recognized international journals. It is also noticed a trend to publish in journals with a higher impact factor as well as an increasing role of co-authorship and international collaboration.
Comparative Study
Haemodynamic parameters obtained by transthoracic echocardiography and Swan-Ganz catheter: a comparative study in liver transplant patients.
To compare the haemodynamic measurements of cardiac output (CO), central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (Pw) and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP), obtained by Swan-Ganz catheter and transthoracic echocardiography. ⋯ The non-invasive determination of CO in critical care post liver transplant patients correlates well with the invasive determinations. Transthoracic echocardiography was not appropriate for calculating filling parameters studied. Although the data was obtained in post liver transplant patients, they could be useful in defining the role of echocardiography in the ICU.
The prevalence of celiac disease is unknown in Portugal. In European countries the prevalence is between 1:200 and 1:400. The incidence obtained through diagnosed cases in the paediatric gastroenterology units in Portugal was 1:3648. To determine the best current celiac disease screening method and its prevalence in a portuguese population, 536 sera of teenagers with 14 years +/- 6 months from Braga town schools were tested as follows: a) total IgA, b) anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies c) anti-endomysium antibodies (AEA). One female adolescent, with negative AEA and anti-transglutaminase antibodies had a diagnosed celiac disease; this patient was under appropriate diet. Eleven adolescents had positive anti-transglutaminase antibodies and 4 of these had also positive AEA. A jejunal biopsy was carried out on the latter adolescents. Three presented intestinal villous atrophy, 2 a flat mucosa and 1 a moderate atrophy. One female adolescent had a normal mucosa. The prevalence was 1:134, [confidence interval at 95%, 1:53-1:500]. ⋯ Presently, total IgA with determination of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies is apparently the best screening method; it is less expensive test and, given the use of ELISA, less dependent on the observer. The celiac disease prevalence found in the present study falls within the range of prevalence recently found in other European populations, which implies that the celiac disease is under-diagnosed in Portugal.
Meningococcal disease has a wide spectrum of clinical presentation. Occult bacteremia is not easily diagnosed and may have good prognostic. ⋯ Meningococcal disease may present with fever without toxic appearance--unsuspected meningococcal disease--causing difficulty in the diagnosis and delaying the treatment. Spontaneous resolution is rare and severe complications may occur.
To characterize compulsory treatments done in Macao in the five years after its implementation in 1999. ⋯ Quotas and commitment rates for compulsory admissions appeared inferior compared, for example, to the ones of the European Union. Compulsory treatments were important, allowing to start therapeutics, that otherwise would be impossible, and to overcome dangerous situations. There is a need in Macao to clarify the population and relevant professional sectors about these treatments so that, whenever indicated, patients can benefit from them quickly and in better circumstances.