Bmc Med
Guidance to improve fertility includes reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption, achieving healthy weight-range and stopping smoking. Advice is informed by observational evidence, which is often biased by confounding. ⋯ Smoking behaviour and BMI showed the most consistent associations for increased time to conception and a younger age at first birth. Given that age at first birth and time to conception are positively correlated, this suggests that the mechanisms for reproductive outcomes are distinct to the mechanisms acting on fertility outcomes. Multivariable MR suggested that effects on age at first birth might be explained by underlying liability to ADHD and education.
Insomnia symptoms are widespread in the population and might have effects on many chronic conditions and their risk factors but previous research has focused on select hypothesised associations/effects rather than taking a systematic hypothesis-free approach across many health outcomes. ⋯ Insomnia symptoms potentially cause a wide range of adverse health-related outcomes and behaviours. This has implications for developing interventions to prevent and treat a number of diseases in order to reduce multimorbidity and associated polypharmacy.