Bmc Med
Randomized Controlled Trial
Visceral adipose tissue area and proportion provide distinct reflections of cardiometabolic outcomes in weight loss; pooled analysis of MRI-assessed CENTRAL and DIRECT PLUS dietary randomized controlled trials.
Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is well established as a pathogenic fat depot, whereas superficial subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) is associated with either an improved or neutral cardiovascular state. However, it is unclear to what extent VAT area (VATcm2) and its proportion of total abdominal adipose tissue (VAT%) are distinguished in predicting cardiometabolic status and clinical outcomes during weight loss. ⋯ MRI follow-up of 572 participants over 18 months of weight loss intervention suggests that although increased VATcm2 and VAT% exhibit similar clinical manifestations, it might be preferable to examine VAT% when exploring lipid status, while VATcm2 may better reflect inflammatory and glycemic states.
Long-COVID is defined as the persistency or development of new symptoms 3 months after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, with these symptoms lasting for at least 2 months with no other explanation. Common persistent symptoms are fatigue, sleep disturbances, post-exertional malaise (PEM), pain, and cognitive problems. Long-COVID is estimated to be present in about 65 million people. We aimed to explore clinical and biological factors that might contribute to Long-COVID. ⋯ Long-COVID is not just one entity. Different clinical presentations can be identified. Cardiac involvement (as measured by troponin T levels) and telomere shortening might be a relevant risk factor for developing PEM-fatigue symptoms and deserve further exploring.
Aging is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes (T2D), but individuals of the same chronological age may vary in their biological aging rate. The associations of Phenotypic Age Acceleration (PhenoAgeAccel), a new accelerated biological aging indicator based on clinical chemistry biomarkers, with the risk of dynamic progression remain unclear. We aimed to assess these associations and examine whether these associations varied by genetic risk and lifestyle. ⋯ PhenoAgeAccel was consistently associated with an increased risk of all transitions in T2D progression. It has the potential to be combined with genetic risk to identify early T2D incidence risk and may guide interventions throughout T2D progression while tracking their effectiveness.
This study assessed the impact of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection on ovarian reserve in women. ⋯ HBsAg positivity significantly impairs ovarian reserve in women, but e antigen status does not notably affect it among HBV-infected individuals.
To address the public health concern of cervical cancer (CC), 194 countries committed to eliminate it at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO). We summarised quantitative results concerning CC elimination across these countries, including the progress in implementing three prevention levels (human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination, CC screening, and treatment for patients with CC) and achievement of interim Global Strategy for Cervical Cancer Elimination targets. ⋯ Major inequalities persist in CC vaccination and screening across 194 countries, and access to these services is limited in most LMICs. Focusing on vulnerable populations with lower incomes and regions with stunted economic growth may help alleviate inequity and accelerate CC elimination. We also found that tertiary prevention was achieved in most LMICs, but the indicator-reported annual opioid consumption in oral morphine equivalents indirectly illustrates the under-utilisation of cancer treatment services.