Brit J Hosp Med
This article focuses on predisposing risk factors and mechanism of injury for urinary tract injuries at caesarean section. Tips on prevention of injury are followed by a detailed discussion of the management options when injury occurs.
Renal (ureteric) colic is a common surgical emergency. It is usually caused by calculi obstructing the ureter, but about 15% of patients have other causes, e.g. extrinsic compression, intramural neoplasia or an anatomical abnormality. This review will focus on calculus-related renal or ureteric colic, its assessment and subsequent management.
In 1996 the University of Liverpool reformed its medical course from a very traditional lecture-based curriculum to an integrated problem-based learning curriculum. This article summarizes the results of questionnaires sent to both traditional and reformed curricula Liverpool graduates asking them to assess their competencies.