Brit J Hosp Med
The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death undertook a detailed analysis of data from 1269 patients aged 11-25 years, admitted to hospital with intentional injury, affective disorder, or eating disorders, to assess the quality of physical and mental healthcare provided. This article summarises the findings and associated recommendations relevant for the general hospital setting.
In the UK the incidence of hip fractures is nearly 76 000 cases per year, with the vast majority of these fractures occurring in patients over the age of 70 years. Most patients who sustain a hip fracture will have significant comorbidities and up to 40% will have cognitive impairment. For patients, sustaining a hip fracture can potentially be a devastating event. This article provides an overview of the presentation, assessment and management of hip fractures for core surgical, acute care common stem and emergency medicine trainees.
Biography Historical Article
General William Gorgas: outstanding medical administrator.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of General William Crawford Gorgas, probably the most famous public health administrator, who first achieved fame for his work in dealing with the epidemic of yellow fever in Cuba in the early 20th century.
A brain abscess is a focal accumulation of pus in the brain parenchyma arising from direct inoculation, contiguous spread from local anatomical structures or haematogenous seeding from a remote source of infection. It can result in significant morbidity and mortality, making early diagnosis and treatment vital. Only one fifth of patients present with the classic triad of headache, fever and focal neurological symptoms. ⋯ Distinguishing an abscess from other pathologies such as meningitis and tumours is crucial, as clinically these can present in similar ways, but their management and outcomes are very different. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging brain scans can help localise the lesion and differentiate ring-enhancing lesions caused by a brain abscess from malignant tumours. Cerebral abscesses are considered a neurosurgical emergency; early stabilisation, diagnosis and management in a neurosurgical centre is important in reducing morbidity and mortality.